Edward Dowd Profile picture
Founder Phinance Technologies and author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 & 2022. For event bookings: info@bigideaspeakers.com
33 subscribers
Jul 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I have been asked to comment on Austin Private Wealth Management $DJT controversy.

The company has put out statement denying put position citing third party filing error.

They are a registered investment advisor with over 1,200 clients with assets under management of $1 billion. They are fee based only so my guess is the revenues for the whole firm are $10 million assuming standard 1% fee. Each portfolio for their clients is different. This is not a hedge fund.

Bottom line: the company denies it and they are not structured to pool bets like a hedge fund might.

This looks like a typical independent RIA to me. I don’t think there is anything here.

Additionally the filing on July 12 was for positions as of 6/28 so not a put position established on July 12 as many have suggested.

Company statement link: austinprivatewealth.com/news-and-events Picture of firm employees from website. Image
Oct 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨 Report: The Great Federal Centralization

1)We are all familiar with Federal Debt to GDP rising from 60% to 120% since 09 banking crisis.

However, an unnoticed trend of State Debt declining from 33% of total public debt in 09 to 10% today has resulted in federal power grab.
2) About 40% of a state's annual budget now comes from the Feds resulting in:
✅Reduced competition for private capital amongst states but increased competition for federal funding
✅Enhanced chances of corruption as decision making moves from the people to the DC swamp
Oct 18, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨New Report: UK Death & Disability Analysis: Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer), Ages 15-44

✅The anecdotal evidence observed in independent media has been confirmed by a strong statistical signal
✅Excess Death Rates from Cardiovascular diseases flat in 2020 but up 13% in 21 & 43% in 22
✅Z-scores of 5 & 17 were observed in 21 & 22 respectively. Black swan signals.
✅Observations point to a worrying picture of an even greater acceleration in coming years of deaths & disabilities…an investigation is needed!
Image Trend analysis:
Deaths per 100k were trending down to around 12.8 before 2020. Dropped slightly in 20 to 12.5 and is now 14 in 2021 and 17.5 in 2022. About 1000 excess deaths in 2022 Image
Sep 18, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨New Report: UK Death & Disability Analysis: Cardiovascular Disease, Ages 15-44

✅The anecdotal evidence observed in media has been confirmed by a strong statistical signal
✅Excess Death Rates from Cardiovascular diseases up 13% in 20, 30% in 21 & 44% in 22
✅Z-scores of 7.5 & 10.5 were observed in 21 & 22 respectively. Black swan signals.
✅Observations point to a worrying picture of an even greater acceleration in coming years of deaths & disabilities…an investigation is needed!
Image Trend analysis:
Deaths per 100k were trending down to about 8 before 2020. Started rising in 20 to 9 and is now 11 in 2022. About 700 excess deaths in 2022 Image
Jul 12, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
🚨🚨UK Disabilities (PIP) Project

We analyze claims cleared by Body System then by Underlying Causes.

Can Doctors & Health authorities please explain these findings? It’s a crisis of epic proportions.

Total Body System findings summarized by % increase & z-score versus pre… https://t.co/QHA5BxhNa4twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Doctors and scientists are free to weigh in here. We are not doctors but it seems we have a crisis in healthcare that the health authorities are not acknowledging and we wonder why? The signals found here are just ridiculous and it looks like a cover up.

“They can’t run from… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Mar 28, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨Estimated 2022 US Vaccine Damage Report:

Estimated Human Cost:
✅26.6 million Injuries
✅1.36 million Disabilities
✅300k excess deaths

Estimated Economic Cost:
Total: $147.8 Billion
✅Injuries: $89.9 billion
✅Disabilities: $52.2 billion
✅Excess Deaths: $5.6 Billion
Pfizer & Moderna in 2022 had combined C-19 vaccine revenues in US of $11.5 billion so…

🚨🚨For every $1 dollar they made it cost the US economy $13 dollars.

Quite the negative societal ROI.

Largest crime scene in history. Multiply this across the globe.

Numbers… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Mar 17, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨Absence rate & Lost Worktime rate analysis

Conclusion: Taken in conjunction with the increase in disability rates since early 2021, which we’ve shown previously, we believe that the most likely cause for the rise in both was due to the Covid 19 vaccines In 2022 the absence rate was 11 sigma above trend & the worktime lost rate in 2022 was 13 sigma from trend.

This is a very strong signal.
Mar 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
My 2 cents on #SVB

US long Bonds, the dollar & stocks we’re setting up over a month ago hence my tweet. This is the beginning of a deflationary cycle. SVB just happens to be the headline. M2 y/y growth went negative in November.

Fed response will cause relief near term but 👇 over time this will just continue to get worse. I favor the boiling frog scenario as risk assets reprice lower. Rolling three month T-bills through treasury direct is not a bad idea for now. Under $100k don’t worry about your bank. I think short term interest rates near peak. 👇
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Bill Ackman made billions scarring the crap out of folks during Covid lockdowns. He covered shortly after talking his book near the lows.

Just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Look I am long term bearish but I just don’t think freaking people out is helpful. Honestly the market could rally in the short term. This live London betting market is usually directionally right however Monday morning is a long way off and things could change.
Feb 18, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
🚨🚨Our anaysis of a peer reviewed paper on Serious Adverse Events in the mRNA Clinical Trials doi.org/10.1016/j.vacc…
reveals the following conclusions:
✅Our results provide a stronger case for establishing a causal relationship between disabilities and the Covid-19 vaccines. The time series of SAEs that were computed based on the rates estimated during the mRNA clinical trials are shown to be of the same magnitude as the rate of increase in disability rates in the 16-64 Civilian Labor Force.
Feb 14, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
🚨Thread on 💉manufacturing Timeline🚨 $PFE $MRNA

Slide presentation from a Pharma & Biotech regulatory expert:

Bottomline: This expert thinks the 12 month time to market was so fast that all normal manufacturing regulation & safety checks were bypassed at a minimum or more👇 controversial had foreknowledge & were prepped already for production (phone conversation…not in deck).

Below is the Pfizer timeline vs comparable expedited Ebola vax. 12 months vs 28 months 👇 ImageImage
Feb 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Aegon Insurance Q4 puzzling questions that perhaps an intrepid journalist should pursue:

During quarter they did a $1.4 billion reinsurance deal with Wilton Re to offset larger policies in US due their increased mortality expectations in 2022. TransAmerica is owned by Aegon ImageImage In the earnings transcript an exchange between CFO & Mr Huttner is illuminating: Basically as I read it they are doing an unfavorable deal to reduce volatility…obviously “volatility” is code for higher in their mind.

Question to CFO: “Given the vaccines & Omicron why do this?” Image
Feb 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨$RGA Reinsurance Group of America earnings thread:
Call in AM

RGA CEO says 4Q was impacted by meaningful level of Covid-19 mortality claims.

Miss vs $0.77 estimate (& prior year’s $1.19) with a loss of -$0.56 due to higher than expected $3.95 pre-tax Covid related claims Image Remind us again how the vaccines are helping?

RGA: Life re-insurer reports profit in 4Q20 & a loss in 4Q21 on higher mortality Image
May 3, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I have an idea for a dystopian movie:

The background begins in 2020: a virus that mimics the flu sweeps across the globe.Some believe it’s a man made bioweapon to provide cover for global economic collapse from an unsustainable debt load & rising wealth inequality. The majority Believe their governments and dutifully obey orders to shelter in place while supply chains dissolve, they lose jobs or small businesses and eventually the middle class is wiped out. Inexplicably large big box businesses are allowed to operate and folks are allowed to shop there