Dr. BP | Metabolism 2.0 Profile picture
After helping 10,000+ patients and directing 50+ clinics, I know what's effective, safe & sustainable. I will help you lose weight and achieve optimal health.
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Jul 23 32 tweets 5 min read
Your doctor has probably already ordered them.

However, you may not know that they relate to your metabolic health.

I’ll cover them for you

THREAD Image Many people get an annual physical.

With the physical, typically comes basic bloodwork and evaluation to see where you stand with your health.

There are 7 blood tests and biomarkers that tell you about your metabolic health.
Jul 20 9 tweets 2 min read
For decades, we have heard red meat causes heart disease.

We have been told to stay away and limit consuming red meat for this reason.

However, new research is showing the findings are not correlated nor causal.

THREAD Image Before the meat opposers begin commenting that I do not know what I’m talking about, I have read T. Colin Campbell’s China Study.

I’ve personally applied Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s suggestions in the past.

I’m quite familiar with Dr. Dean Ornish’s dietary suggestions.
Jul 18 15 tweets 4 min read
Research on female volunteers showed that switching to beauty & personal care products without parabens and phthalates turned breast cancer genes OFF in just 28 days!

Let me explain in simple terms...
THREAD Image We know that cancer is an affect of genetic expression.

Not just that you have XYZ cancer gene or not.

You have the ability to control your genetic expression by your choices.

Ingredients like parabens & phthalates are negatively affecting your genetic expression.
Jul 16 53 tweets 8 min read
Imagine a free habit that can be done in 2 minutes a day that provides:

•Less Anxiety
•Less Depression
•Better Metabolism
•Increased Immunity
•Boosted Metabolism

Sound too good to be true?

It’s not.

I’ll explain.

THREAD Image What I aim to do is show you the MANY benefits of this simple habit, and with overwhelming proof hopefully influence you to begin taking up the habit daily to better your life.

If you do, I know it will improve your life in so many ways!
Jul 13 20 tweets 3 min read
There are 2 essential nutrients that are crucial in regulating inflammation.

Inflammation is a primary root cause of chronic diseases like

•Heart Disease
•Autoimmune Diseases
•Type 2 Diabetes
•Arthritis (all types)
•High Cholesterol

THREAD Image The U.S. government’s budget for healthcare is $4.3 Trillion

It’s THE largest line-item category in the entire budget.

To give you an idea, it is almost 3X as much as the next biggest budgetary item: military defense
Jul 11 18 tweets 3 min read
Anxiety is not just a neurotransmitter issue.

So often patients are prescribed a pill to address their anxiety.

This may help with acute anxiety attacks.

However, a pill will not address the often-overlooked underlying root causes.

The most common are... Image The most common underlying root causes I have found with patients are:

•Adrenal Stress
•Chronic Infection
•Mold Toxicity
•Nutrient Deficiency
•Gut Dysfunction
•Hormone Imbalances
•Insulin Dysregulation
Jul 10 5 tweets 2 min read
When looking at this chart, think:

Linoleic Acid = Inflammation

It's why you want to avoid the oils in the RED (aka: seed oils and "vegetable" oils)

Share if you think this would help others Image And if you are not familiar with seed oils and why they are so prevalent nowadays (but not healthy), you can read this thread
Jul 9 83 tweets 13 min read
Epigenetics & how it affects your health is something I write much about

It’s helped me improve my health

But for many, it’s an unknown science or not easily understood

I’m going to explain it in layman’s terms & make it very simple

Understanding = improved health

THREAD Image Let’s start with a technical definition, and then I will break it down to a very easily understood visual to have a picture in your mind’s eye.

Once you have this mental picture, you will be able to take the steps to start improving your health.
Jul 1 38 tweets 7 min read
You don’t want to get burned by the sun this July 4th holiday

But what you put on your skin gets absorbed in your body

So, the sunscreen you choose is important

Many sunscreens contain toxic chemicals that affect your hormones & health

I’ll discuss those toxins

THREAD Image We have a big holiday this week in America- July 4th!

The weather is warmer...actually, HOT where I am.

Chances are you may be out in the sun celebrating the holiday with friends & family.
Jun 29 19 tweets 3 min read
Many have heard of fatty liver disease.

Some have been diagnosed with fatty liver disease.

But most really don’t know what it is.

I’ll simply explain it & why you don’t want it.

THREAD Image There are 2 main types of Fatty Liver Disease (FLD):

1.Alcohol-related Fatty Liver Disease (ALD)

2.Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Only 5% of fatty livers are due to alcohol in the United States.
Jun 27 36 tweets 6 min read
Butter has been demonized for decades.

The experts told us it “clogged arteries”.

But it’s actually health-promoting for a large percentage of people.

I’ll cover who should be concerned. And for the rest of us, I’ll cover the healthiest kind of butter.

THREAD Image For decades we were told that saturated fats found in butter and other foods clogged arteries.

And instead, we should consume “healthier” options like margarine.
Jun 25 85 tweets 11 min read
I have patients that suffer with the below (often for years), before they come to see me:

•Brittle Nails
•Extreme Fatigue
•Brain Fog
•Thinning Hair
•Pale, Non-Vibrant Skin
•Cold Hands & Feet

There’s an often-overlooked root cause.

Let’s discuss.

THREAD Image Today I’m going to cover:

•What often happens to patients with the above symptoms

•Common issues with the standard approach

•A needed test that is practically never ran

•What to do to address the root cause

I'm going in depth today, so let’s dive in…
Jun 20 33 tweets 5 min read
If you can understand this, you can:

•Reverse Pre-Diabetes
•Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
•Get Off Many (If Not All) Your Medications
•Lose Weight

I will use Amazon packages to make it simple for you.

THREAD Image Before I explain the Amazon packages, you’ll want to understand a few facts first.

Then I will give you the Amazon package analogy that will make it so simple to understand, and simple for you to fix these issues.

But first, let’s cover a few facts.
Jun 18 60 tweets 9 min read
The Journal of American Heart Association released surprising research showing how an essential nutrient lowers blood pressure

However, it’s not part of their clinical guidelines for doctors

This seems odd when there’s clear benefit and virtually no side effects…

THREAD Image The nutrient is an essential nutrient the human body can’t make.

Meaning we have to get it from our food.

And I’ve found in clinical practice that most are deficient.

Let’s dive into the study…
Jun 13 31 tweets 6 min read
If there's only one supplement you take, it should be Vitamin D

Many nutritional supplements claim that they can help, but have absolutely no research behind them

Vitamin D has plenty

It’s THE biggest value for your money

THREAD Image Today I will cover why everyone in our modern society should consider taking Vitamin D

What to look for in your lab work to see if you need it or not

And what to look for to make sure you are getting a quality form of this supplement

Let’s dive in
Jun 11 34 tweets 6 min read
Asian countries eat a lot of rice & noodles, but don’t gain weight.

Americans & Europeans eat the same thing and tend to get fat.

Why is this?

I’ll explain.

THREAD Image 90% of the world’s rice production is located in Asia. It’s been cultivated in the region for close to 10,000 years.

The region’s occupants tend to eat a fair amount of rice (and noodles), but yet they don’t gain weight.
Jun 6 11 tweets 2 min read
Triglycerides are commonly ran on fasting bloodwork.

You may have been told yours are high, but what does it really mean?

Let me explain...

THREAD Image Your fasting triglycerides should be below 150 mg/dL.

Many think triglycerides are fat in the blood and they should eat less fat to lower them.

They are not fat in the blood.
Jun 4 43 tweets 7 min read
Canola oil is one of the most consumed oils in America & around the world.

It is claimed to be healthy and good for your heart.

But it creates more health issues than you probably realize.

I know, it’s a bold claim.

But I can back it up.

THREAD Image Did you know there is actually no such thing as a canola plant?

Canola oil is actually made from a rape seed plant.

Yet, it is illegal to sell rape seed oil in the United States.
May 25 16 tweets 3 min read
Imagine a free habit that can be done in 2 minutes a day that provides:

•Less Anxiety
•Less Depression
•Better Metabolism
•Increased Immunity
•Boosted Metabolism

Sound too good to be true?

It’s not.

I’ll explain.

THREAD Image What I aim to do is show you the MANY benefits of this simple habit, and with overwhelming proof hopefully influence you to begin taking up the habit daily to better your life.

If you do, I know it will improve your life in so many ways!
May 21 37 tweets 6 min read
You don’t want to get burned by the sun this Memorial Day weekend

But what you put on your skin gets absorbed in your body

So, the sunscreen you choose is important

Many sunscreens contain toxic chemicals that affect your hormones & health

I’ll discuss those toxins

THREAD Image We have a big holiday weekend this weekend in America- Memorial Day

The weather is starting to warm up.

And chances are you will be out in the sun.
May 18 18 tweets 3 min read
Epigenetics & how it affects your health is something I write much about

It’s helped me improve my health

But for many, it’s an unknown science or not easily understood

I’m going to explain it in layman’s terms & make it very simple

Understanding = improved health

THREAD Image Let’s start with a technical definition, and then I will break it down to a very easily understood visual to have a picture in your mind’s eye.

Once you have this mental picture, you will be able to take the steps to start improving your health.