After helping 10,000+ patients and directing 50+ clinics, I know what's effective, safe & sustainable. I will help you lose weight and achieve optimal health.
38 subscribers
Feb 18 • 33 tweets • 5 min read
I know Ozempic & other semaglutide injections are all the rage right now, but you need to know it can bring serious health consequences in the long term.
For both weight loss & Type 2 Diabetes, the root cause is actually made worse long-term with Ozempic.
I'll explain.
For those that are unaware, Ozempic and other semaglutide medications (Wegovy & Rybelsus) are FDA-approved for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
They can also be used for weight loss.
Weight loss is why it has gained a lot of popularity in the last ~2 years.
Feb 15 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Often when I first start working with patients, they will tell me they have a desire to snack.
Really, it’s more of a craving.
And then I have those who think eating multiple small meals in a day will “boost” their metabolism.
It doesn’t.
Both of these habits are metabolic killers.
If you are trying to:
•Improve your metabolism
•Lose weight
•Get healthy
You’ll want to eliminate these habits.
Feb 13 • 79 tweets • 12 min read
We cannot escape aging.
However, inflammation is a major accelerator of aging.
Lower your inflammation = slow down your aging
I will cover the tests that measure your inflammation levels to see where you stand.
Not only will inflammation accelerate aging, inflammation is also a major root cause involved in all chronic diseases.
The diseases that plague our modern society:
•Heart Disease
•Autoimmune Diseases
•Dementia & Alzheimer’s
•And Many More
Feb 11 • 39 tweets • 8 min read
Chronic pain from:
•Low Back
•And other locations
Can be absolutely frustrating & affect nearly every aspect of your life.
I’ve had patients take an unconventional approach to get relief.
I was recently getting my oil changed & a gentleman struck up a conversation with me.
He went on to tell me how about 3 years ago he was in misery from chronic pain.
He had a career of handyman work & flipping houses.
His body had taken a beating & he was feeling the effects.
Feb 10 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
Often, I will see patients whose migraines are triggered by:
•Scented Plug Ins
•Monthly Menstrual Cycles
They suffer when they don’t need to.
And the solution is not another pill or injection.
Patients who come in and state these types of causes triggering their migraines, ultimately have issues with:
•Strong Scents
•Hormonal Changes
Let me break down both.
Feb 8 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Most have never even heard of the name Abraham Flexner.
However, this non-physician was instrumental in changing American medicine forever.
With the help of the Carnegie Foundation & the Rockefellers financially backing him, the changes were made.
Abraham Flexner was a teacher at a college-preparatory school he founded in Louisville, KY.
He took a nonstandard approach to education.
In 1908, he wrote a book called The American College: A Criticism, where he strongly criticized higher education.
This gained him attention.
Feb 7 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
Oh, these are so tasty...and healthy!
Our kids devoured them!
•Crispy, but not fried
•Sauce has NO seed oils
GREAT for a Super Bowl Party!
Here's how to make them...
I love Buffalo Wings, but the 2 biggest problems are:
1) They are fried in crappy seed oils that create all kinds of inflammation in the body
My favorite dip and salad dressing growing up was Hidden Valley Ranch.
However, the ingredients are not healthy at all.
The below recipe:
•Is Tasty!
•No Seed Oils
•No Refined Sugars
First, if you haven't looked at the ingredients in Hidden Valley Ranch, here they are.
Between the Vegetable Oils (aka seed oils), Sugar, Modified Food Starch, MSG & others, it's pretty much trash for your body 👎
Feb 5 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
These are excellent 😋... and healthy!
Our kids ate them all!
They're a copy-cat recipe for:
•Chick-fil-A grilled chicken
•CFA dipping sauce
But WITHOUT the seed oils and other unhealthy junk.
Great for the Super Bowl too!
Super easy recipe below.
Healthier Copycat Chick-fil-a Grilled Chicken Marinade
½ cup apple cider vinegar
½ cup water
½ tablespoon onion powder
½ tablespoon garlic powder
½ tablespoon smoked paprika
¼ cup orange juice
¼ cup chicken stock
1 tablespoon molasses
1 tablespoon salt
Feb 1 • 29 tweets • 5 min read
Antidepressants are some of the most prescribed drugs in America
They often help
But time & time again, patients tell me they really want to get off them
When root causes are addressed, they routinely do exactly that
I’ll guide you in what I instruct patients to do
Before I discuss root causes, first, NEVER stop your antidepressants “cold turkey”.
You need to work with your prescribing provider to wean yourself off them.
Jan 28 • 19 tweets • 3 min read
Skin health is very closely tied to gut & liver health.
If you want to improve your skin, look at healing your gut, liver & improve your body's detoxification.
A lot of:
•Pharmaceutical Companies
Will have you focus on putting products on your skin to fix it.
These routinely mask the issues, only slightly improve them, or don’t work at all.
Jan 25 • 36 tweets • 6 min read
In school, I was taught beef clogs arteries.
Specifically, saturated fat.
It raises bad cholesterol, which leads to the clogged arteries.
So, I dug into the subject to learn more & get to the truth.
When I first dug deeper into the research, it seemed obvious.
The research indicated saturated fat does negatively affect cholesterol and increases atherosclerosis plaque (clogging of arteries).
But as I went deeper, that didn’t all add up.
There’s more to it.
Jan 21 • 47 tweets • 8 min read
If made right, coffee can be healthy & a metabolic booster.
But many, unknowingly, start their day off with a metabolic killer.
Both hormonally & at a cellular level.
Neither of which you want.
I’ll explain what to do, to maximize your metabolism.
Many people have the daily habit of drinking their coffee.
What they do the rest of the day could be healthy & great.
Jan 16 • 45 tweets • 9 min read
The Mayo Clinic is calling Alzheimer's Type 3 Diabetes
I bet you know someone who is suffering from it.
The current treatments are not lowering the rates of Alzheimer's.
In fact, rates of the disease continue to rise every year.
There’s a reason….
Today I am going to cover why many scientists are calling the disease Type 3 Diabetes.
I’m going to then cover why the current medications are not having success.
And then propose a radically different way to address the disease at the root cause.
Jan 14 • 53 tweets • 8 min read
Imagine a free habit that can be done in 2 minutes a day that provides:
What I aim to do is show you the MANY benefits of this simple habit, and with overwhelming proof hopefully influence you to begin taking up the habit daily to better your life.
If you do, I know it will improve your life in so many ways!
Jan 13 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
When many of my pre-diabetic & Type 2 diabetic patients come to me, they believe they can’t lower their A1c naturally.
They think they can only do it with meds.
This is not surprising, as this is all they’ve ever heard.
It’s completely wrong.
Over the years, I’ve had 1,000’s of patients naturally:
•Lower Their Blood Sugars
•Lower Their A1c
•Reverse Their Insulin Resistance
•Reduce & Eliminate Their Meds
Jan 11 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
Antidepressants are some of the most prescribed types of medicines in America.
Patients can remain on them for many years.
Often dealing with side effects
Meanwhile, a root cause that could relieve their depression, is never looked at or addressed: The Gut
When I meet with a new patient and take their health history, I will often see that they mark off “depression”.
I always ask:
“Is your depression due to a life event or are you not sure why you feel this way?”
Jan 7 • 33 tweets • 5 min read
The New Year is upon us
Many know the negative health effects of refined sugar & want alternatives to lose weight
However, artificial sweeteners have undesired side effects & can lead to weight gain
I’ll discuss the alternatives that taste good & are healthy
Let's dive in...
We all know refined sugar is not healthy for us.
Around 1900, the average American consumed around 3 pounds per year.
Today, the average American consumes almost 3 pounds per week!
Over 120 pounds of sugar per year, for each American.
Jan 6 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Almost daily I see patients who want to get off their meds for: