Scratch Profile picture
feline-computer interaction // catnip simulations // using yarn over npm 🧶😺
Jun 20, 2024 23 tweets 11 min read
im admitting myself to a residential mental hospital

even if i got a job now im too depressed to work; im going to be homeless again and my heart can't take it bc i put my whole entire life force into my work

this is my final post; i hope it inspires someone i first started to code at 10 or so, just around 1995

the book next to my right hand was something like "C++ for beginners" but it was way too hard for me so i learned BASIC and QBasic instead and made little generative art things

these were such happy times Image
May 4, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
Nothing is real; Everything is possible - Day ☝️

Join me over the next #30DaysofWebsim as we participate in Strange Computer Science

Using nothing but URLs we'll try to generate a fake-but-real Operating System driven entirely by a simulated internet


# How it works
@Websim_ai is a web simulator, a rabbit-hole generator. You enter a URL and instead of loading a real website it hallucinates one instead

A websim can be anything: a blog, app, game, service, store...anything you can imagine!

A new feature announced today is the ability to import other websims into other websims as plugins...and this is the mechanism we'll use to architect our simulation


Continued in thread 🧵 # Understanding the URL
A traditional URL looks like this:




This helps the sim get into a "mindset". The most popular is http:// which is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (for websites). Others include ftp:// (File Transfer), smtp:// (Simple Mail Transfer). In websim you can create your own protocols. For our simOS, we will use the simulate:// protocol to let Websim know we are about to cook hard



In real life, subdomains are often used to organize a website into distinct but related parts or services. Examples include: university websites (department .mit .edu), blogs (username .wordpress .com), or project (game .itch .io)

For our simOS we'll use the desktop domain, and we'll use the win98 subdomain to theme it. But you can also try others too like xbox, gameboy, or appleVisionPro.
