#PsychologyExpert for Media & TV #Psychologist in Private Practice in NYC (He/Him)
Apr 24, 2019 • 25 tweets • 7 min read
The Most Blatant Signs of a Malignant Narcissist 1) SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT: A malignant narcissist has constant unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment. They also feel entitled enough that they believe other people should automatically comply with their expectations.
2) EXAGGERATED SENSE OF SELF-IMPORTANCE: Excessive confidence & expectation to be recognized as superior, despite lacking corresponding achievements. Exaggerate or lie about accomplishments/talents. Lack innate sense of right & wrong to ever come clean to the people they deceive
Nov 10, 2018 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
The only way to truly begin to heal the divisions in this country is to stop @FoxNews from continuing their relentless crusade of spreading lies & propaganda using powerful and well-known cult indoctrination techniques ("Brain washing"). They have been #1 in viewership for EVERY
quarter of every year since 2002. The power of cult indoctrination to influence beliefs, opinions, & attitudes can't be overstated. Many are being indoctrinated every day, for several hours or longer. Even if every single one of the millions of viewers were assigned a highly