Dr Ella Cockbain Profile picture
Associate Professor @UCLCrimeScience . UCL Research group lead on human trafficking, smuggling & exploitation. Own views.
Mar 3, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
I just put in an @Ofcom complaint about the GB news programme “Grooming Gangs: Britain’s Shame”. It clearly breaches the Ofcom code on due accuracy and due impartiality. It promotes racist tropes, is harmful to abuse victims & survivors and is likely to fuel yet more hate. 1/2 Programme title: Grooming gangs: Britain’s Shame Date of b If you are also concerned, please consider letting @Ofcom know. Normal deadline for complaints is tomorrow - form is here ofcom.org.uk/complaints 2/2
Mar 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Every woman I know has been sexually harassed from teens onwards. Flashing, groping, lewd comments, intimidation, being followed home. I’ve had to push people off me a few times. Once I ended up in hospital after being knocked out on the pavement for daring to defend myself. 1/ Trust that it’ll be taken seriously is so low. I’ve called the police once - & wasn’t even after that physical assault. I was sexually harassed & followed home. Told my husband & he went out & found the guy now harassing a much younger woman. I’d had enough & called it in. 2/
Feb 3, 2021 50 tweets 10 min read
Listening to the “grooming gangs” debate. So wildly disheartening hearing a politician talk about an issue they clearly don’t know - or care to know - the basics about. Oh Jesus, he’s just pulled out the “our girls” line to refer to white girls. Straight out of far right playbook
Jan 5, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
Today marks ten years since Andrew Norfolk @thetimes propelled the inaccurate, racial stereotype of “Asian sex gangs” into the mainstream. It’s shaped the past decade & caused numerous harms. It’s also been debunked both in academic research & the government’s own research. 1/3 The recent Home Office report & associated literature review showed that group-based child sexual exploitation cuts across all cultures/ethnic groups. It also dismissed the notorious @QuilliamOrg “grooming gangs report” as unreliable evidence. See twitter.com/drellac/status 2/3
Jan 6, 2020 5 tweets 10 min read
❗️New article looking at how the ‘Muslim grooming gangs’ narrative evolved & became entrenched over past decade, its beneficiaries & its harms. Free access at journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.11… . Great working with @_WaqasTufail on this for @Race_Class ImageImageImage Cc @MsCaitSpencer @Hollyarcher_cse @KateElysiaNWO @CasuallyQ thanks for letting us quote you. X
Nov 6, 2018 24 tweets 11 min read
THREAD (PART 4 of 4): Why you shouldn’t trust @QuilliamOrg ‘s report on #groominggangs & the claim that 84% of “grooming gang offenders” are Asian. An evidence-based critique. 1/ More specifically, relative to the general population, Asians were actually underrepresented (at 4%) among the approx. 6,200 defendants prosecuted in 2015/2016 for sexual offences flagged as related to child abuse. (bit.ly/2MRsQQV) 2/
Nov 6, 2018 26 tweets 13 min read
THREAD (PART 3 of 4): Why you shouldn’t trust @QuilliamOrg ‘s report on #groominggangs & the claim that 84% of “grooming gang offenders” are Asian. An evidence-based critique. 1/ It ignores well-known biases in crime data, such as whether victims disclose (‘self-selection bias’), whether reports are investigated/prosecuted (‘institutional bias’) & whether convictions make the news (‘media bias’) 2/
Nov 6, 2018 26 tweets 7 min read
THREAD (PART 2 of 4): Why you shouldn’t trust @QuilliamOrg ‘s report on #groominggangs & the claim that 84% of “grooming gang offenders” are Asian. An evidence-based critique. 1/ The report’s own definition of “this specific crime profile” is far from specific. The two supposed “distinguishing factors” could and do apply to numerous forms of child sex abuse: “typical grooming techniques” & groups of two or more offenders. 2/
Nov 6, 2018 26 tweets 8 min read
THREAD (PART 1 of 4): Why you shouldn’t trust @QuilliamOrg ‘s report on #groominggangs & the claim that 84% of “grooming gang offenders” are Asian. An evidence-based critique. 1/ First, let’s be clear: some Asian men have committed horrific sexual offences against children.The offenders we’ve seen on the news are real & they are certainly not the only ones.I’m not downplaying their vile crimes or the harms caused.I truly mean no disrespect to survivors.2/
Oct 22, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Some key messages from my presentation @ukhomeoffice today about my research on six so-callled “grooming gangs”. 1) Crimes horrific but offenders not very sophisticated or organised (opportunism key);2) No evidence white girls deliberately targeted (& many victims were BME) 1/3 3) Don’t reduce victims to passive objects - they have agency & often make tough decisions amid limited choices ; 4) Victims might be “vulnerable” but doesn’t mean not credible as witnesses; 5) Successful prosecution *is* possible but it’s challenging, complex & costly; 2/3