NEW EXPLAINER ATTACHED: why you should ignore people or articles saying there’s insufficient evidence of the link between Covid and Vitamin D and start taking 4000 IU (100 micrograms) / day NOW*. That’s 10x the RDA. Nothing to lose (except a few pennies) and everything to gain.
*4000 IU / day for healthy adults with no contraindications (you’d probs already know if you have any). Some experts recommend taking 10,000 IU / day for few weeks to help build up levels. Liquid form best as it’s oil-soluble. Older kids 2000 IU / day, younger ones 1000 IU / day
Jan 2, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Concerned re the new vaccine strategies? Worried that delaying the second dose is a bad idea or that it might make the virus resistant? Confused re mix and match vaccines? I’ve compiled this short explainer, pls read and share. TL/DR; on balance, nothing to be concerned about 1/2
Explanations are attached to my first tweet above. Attached to this tweet is a fuller explanation as to why the virus is very unlikely to get “resistant” to the vaccine if the second dose is delayed 2/2
Dec 31, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
IMPORTANT: Do not be taken in by reports / videos of empty hospital beds claiming the NHS crisis is being exaggerated. Of course there are empty wards! Covid wards and ICUs are OVERFLOWING so all available staff and resources from OTHER wards have been diverted there. 1/4
Routine operations, treatments and appointments have been cancelled and many non-Covid wards have had to shut down entirely. That’s the whole point. And the only reason the Nightingale hospitals are empty is that there’s simply not enough staff to open them. 2/4
Dec 29, 2020 • 26 tweets • 10 min read
“Act as if everyone you know has just tested positive and you need to avoid them like - quite literally - the plague.”
Attached are screen shots of the full quote from a trusted doctor source in North London, reporting on the current situation there. Please share widely.
The doctor who wrote this is my friend. I know him. He wrote these words late at night to his family. I’m sharing them so his words get seen by more people in order to save lives. If he gives his name he may lose his job. It’s happened before to NHS workers who speak out.