Feminist 💜🤍💚 European 🇪🇺 Dyslexic ✍️ A/P in Crim Law & Justice @DurhamLawSchool researching social & legal regulations of women #PolicingPregnancy
Jun 14, 2023 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
People seem to assume that saying "a woman shouldn't be criminalised for ending her pregnancy" is the same as saying "it's ok to have a late-term abortion or kill a baby". These two statements are not the same & advocating for the first does not mean you believe the second.
Decriminalising abortion does not mean deregulation of abortion. It does not mean that doctors and nurses will be performing abortions for women at any point in their pregnancy. The medical community is regulated, and we trust that regulation for all other types of medicine
Jun 12, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Sentencing remarks for the awful case today of a woman imprisoned for ending her own pregnancy are out. Here's my take.
For background: I've completed the most comprehensive analysis of these sorts of cases in England & Wales, findings published here: books.emeraldinsight.com/page/detail/Cr…
The judge starts by reminding us of the role of the courts: "The balance struck by the law between a woman's reproductive rights &
the rights of her unborn foetus is an emotive and often controversial issue. That is, however, a matter for Parliament and not for the courts."