How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App introduction to my short story collection ‘Shades of Rome’ traces the lineage of one particular tradition of portraying Roman Britain as a site of the sinister and uncanny… United States wasn't the only nation expanding its frontier into the plains - the Russian Empire was doing the same thing, and enforcing Russification (and Christianity) on animist peoples on the Volga and beyond (the photo shows forced baptism of Kalmyks) example, until 1999 it was thought there was no prehistoric rock art in Cumbria; but then the first cup marked rocks were discovered, and examples are still being found are great and all that but long-term, what sustains a field over decades is good editions/translations of the primary sources, and this crucial work is being neglected because such activities receive little recognition the same reasoning, why don’t we just stop paying people who do low-paid jobs altogether, since they earn so little from them? problem throughout the UK is that churches have a cultural significance far beyond their ‘usefulness’ to the denominations they belong to. The idea that the institutional church of 2023 gets to determine the fate of cultural monuments is pretty terrifying, really is a textbook misuse of digitisation. Digitisation is about accessibility - it isn’t about long-term archival storage