Jake Poinier Profile picture
Freelancer, entrepreneur, author and blogger aka Dr. Freelance 🏴‍☠️ A pirate 200 yrs too late
Feb 25 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵 1/ Been thinking about the gov't worker backlash to DOGE’s what-did-you-get-done email, from the perspective of an independent contractor.

At a gut level, I get it—no one likes to have their productivity weighed and measured if they can avoid it. 2/ What I *haven’t* seen any of the civil servant protesters say:

“We already have accountability measures in place. DOGE is being redundant.”

“I already send a weekly status report to my supervisor. DOGE is being redundant.”
Apr 23, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
If you’re a freelancer or independent contractor, the #PROAct comes down to risk management. We have decent control over the risks in our business. Work hard, price right, diversify your clients/industries/skills and you’ll stay busy. 1/11

#NoPROAct #FightForFreelancers But there are also exogenous risks. #Freelance clients disappear for a variety of reasons, many of them beyond our control. 2/11
Mar 16, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Sometime in the mid '90s, I had to work a tradeshow booth at the Long Beach Convention Center in SoCal.

I show up at zero-dark-thirty to set up all the crap. I am hung over & mentally preparing for 8 hours of utter boredom. 1/

#noPROAct #FightForFreelancers I arrive at the front door w/ a box of magazines under my left arm, a cup of coffee in my right hand, and a 3-pound Motorola Rat Patrol cell phone on my hip that's dragging down my pants.