Leah B. Gilliam, MD Profile picture
Family Doc. Farm wife 💍. Sometimes witty. Always awkward. UT Vol. ADHD. Blocks Antivaxxers. Opinions represent those of my employer.
Feb 28, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Please stop talking about non-diabetic patients who take medications like ozempic and mounjaro as if they’re just on them for vanity and don’t deserve to take them. Yes, that may be the case for some of them, but many of them have health conditions as a result of obesity that negatively impact their health and quality of life.
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I am not defending at all the administration’s decision. What I will say is that it’s not exactly true to say that we have to see patients on controlled meds every month. Once stable on meds, I can write three separate one month prescriptions for CII’s and add “do not fill before X date” to the subsequent two prescriptions to ensure they aren’t all filled at once. Is that ridiculous? Absolutely. Is it different from refills?
Nov 14, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Ok, I’m just gonna say it because I’m tired of hearing people argue that physicians don’t “recognize natural immunity”. We recognize it. We know that the vast majority of people will have some level of protection from COVID19 after natural protection. We know how the immune system works. We know that you’ll probably produce some antibodies and will likely have some T cell memory after an infection. BUT. We also know that this response is variable. We don’t know how long your antibodies will last.
Sep 2, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Abortion is not something I celebrate, but thankfully I’ve never been in a position where I had to make that call. My current pregnancy was planned at 35 years of age. I’m married. My child has no apparent lethal anomalies. I’ve never been raped. I have sat in rooms with patients devastated to find out that they were pregnant, certain that if the father found out, he’d murder them both. I’ve watched women carry babies conceived in rape. I’ve seen pregnancy threaten women’s lives.