Hanan Ashrawi Profile picture
Just Hanan. #FreePalestine. RT ≠ endorsement
Dec 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Can you take a drink of water without thinking of the people of Gaza going thirsty & getting sick for lack of clean water? Can you eat a meal without thinking of them starving? Can you sleep a whole night in your bed without thinking of them being bombed in theirs? 2/Can you put on warm clothes without remembering them shivering in the cold? Can you take refuge in your safe home without remembering how their homes are being destroyed even with whole families inside them? Can you hold your loved ones without remembering how they lost their?
Jan 31, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The Biden Admin. persists in insulting our (& the world's) intelligence. Selling us used goods as mini- bribes & handouts already promised & not delivered: 4G, assistance to Jrslm hospitals & to UNRWA, a verbal commitment to the 2-state sol. while enabling Israel to destroy it. Then it has the audacity to demand a return to security coordination with our occupier, to refrain from seeking legal redress from ICC & ICJ, to calm things down when it's Israel that's escalating & provoking the Palestinians beyond endurance (i.e. lie down & die quietly).
May 13, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
1/It is official! My US visa application has been rejected. No reason given. Choose any of the following: I’m over 70 & a grandmother; I’ve been an activist for Palestine since the late 1960’s; I’ve always been an ardent supporter of nonviolent resistance; 2/I’ve always struggled for human rights and against corruption; I’m basically an academic although I was elected to the PLC & PNC & the PLO Executive Committee; I studied for my Ph.D. in the US; I’ve been a frequent visitor there since then;
Jan 20, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
.@jdgreenblatt45 and .@POTUS "Zero credibility" is my polite way of saying that you have unilaterally destroyed the chances of peace by taking illegal unilateral measures to prejudice/predetermine the outcome of the basic requirements of peace. You have partnered with the #Israelioccupation at the expense of #Palestinianrights and international law. Some electioneering promises should never have been made because of their destructive & illegal nature. Implementing them compounds the error & damages your credibility more