How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App health professionals can do a lot. We can help people work through trauma. We help people alter patterns of behavior, thinking, and emotions that no longer serve as appropriate coping mechanisms. And we give hope. there is the obvious difference: BCC is down county (in the beltway) while Magruder is mid county. But if we take a look at the schools at a glance data, we can see other obvious differences between the schools., mental health treatment is highly individualized. You meet with a prescriber. They prescribe medicine to adjust your individual mood and symptoms. There’s no change to the environment. The change is helping you adjust to an environment that does not meet your needs want to unpack this a bit. @MCPS is asking students to ask for help. Adults struggle to ask for help, and yet we are asking teenagers to self advocate for help after a series of significant stressors?