Professor Stanford School of Medicine. MD, PhD. Health policy: infectious diseases, covid, health economics. Scientific freedom. NIH Director nominee.
40 subscribers
Oct 25, 2024 • 23 tweets • 8 min read
The House report on HHS covid propaganda is devastating. The Biden admin spent almost a billion dollars to push falsehoods about covid vaccines, boosters, and masks on the American people. If a pharma company had run the campaign, it would have been fined out of existence.
HHS engaged a PR firm, the Fors Marsh Group (FMG), for the propaganda campaign. The main goal was to increase covid vax uptake.
The strategy: 1. Exaggerate covid mortality risk 2. Downplay the fact that there was no good evidence that the covid vax stops transmission.
Oct 23, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
An interesting paper from Norway asks why so few randomized trials of public health 'interventions' were not run in the covid era.
The main impediment: the impossibility of gaining informed consent from study participants. 1/3…
So, public health can impose draconian public health measures at scale without good evidence and in the absence of informed consent from the public, but researchers cannot test if the measures 'work' because it is impossible to gain informed consent.
It makes no sense.
Oct 7, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
The Stanford Pandemic Conference last Friday was an enormous success. Experts who supported early school closures reasoned together with those who didn't. Experts who oppose the lab-origin theory of covid reasoned with people who support it.
Empaneling civil discussion on the vital issues of the day -- topics on which experts differ -- should be a key function of universities. I am proud that @stanford has embraced its motto, "Let the winds of freedom blow."
In Murthy v. Missouri, the Sup Ct ruled I did not have standing to sue the Biden-Harris Admin over censoring my speech online. They reasoned, in part, that there was no evidence of ongoing harm.
On Monday, @YouTube censored a podcast on my new channel, @SciFrTheFringe.
Last week, on the @SciFrTheFringe channel, @aya_velazquez, @VBruttel, and @BBarucker discussed the RKI files, a major scandal in Germany that exposed political manipulation of scientific speech to fool the public about lockdowns and mandates. 2/7
1. it's not true that all the evidence supports natural origin. That is simply false, and the key papers that support the idea have fallen apart.
2. Regarding myocarditis in young men via the vaccine, the estimate you cite is an order of magnitude too low. The reasoning misses the key point that since the vax does not prevent infection, any myocarditis risk from it is additive.
Happy to discuss in detail. I have cites in the piece you invited me to write for Skeptic.
@michaelshermer Here is the crux of the lab leak argument. Lots of detailed facts underneath it but @WashburneAlex meme is the high level summary.
In the covid era, public health and the media made it a virtue to create panic about being infected. This was gross malpractice on the part of the media and public health, distorting people's demand for lockdowns that harmed children, the poor, and the working class.
In April 2020, a @USC Understanding America Study found that respondents thought one in four people who got covid would die from infection. These numbers were two orders of magnitude greater than the true infection fatality risk. No wonder people panicked. 2/4
Jun 26, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The Supreme Court just ruled in the Murthy v. Missouri case that the Biden Administration can coerce social media companies to censor and shadowban people and posts it doesn't like. Congress will now need to act to enforce the Constitution since the Sup. Ct. won't.
This now also becomes a key issue in the upcoming election. Where do the presidential candidates stand on social media censorship? We know where Biden stands since his lawyers argue that he has near monarchical power over social media speech.
Apr 21, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
In a large Danish cohort study, getting covid correlates with a lower incidence of new diagnoses of dementia or any psychiatric disease in 12 months after infection compared to a control group who never had a positive test.…
The result is very likely a spurious correlation. But the study is so large and with a control group, that it indicts many smaller studies -- often without control groups -- that purport to find covid causes psychiatric conditions or dementia. Those are also probably spurious correlations.
Apr 11, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Since 2020, the @cpso_ca has been persecuting Dr. @dockaurG for tweeting that
--lockdowns don't work
--waiting for a vax to lift lockdowns is harmful,
--contact tracing covid was futile.
All true statements.
Today, Dr. Gill got her day in court. A thread. 1/5
The @cpso_ca argued: 1. The CPSO can -- in effect -- ignore the free speech rights of doctors because of the precautionary principle. 2. Doctors who contradict public health should be subject to discipline. 3. It doesn't matter if the doctor writes factually accurate things.
Mar 17, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
There is an important new report out on the lessons we should learn from the covid era by @kerpen, @ScottAtlas_IT, @steve_hanke, and @caseybmulligan. A thread follows:
Lesson #1: Leaders should calm fears, not stoke them.
Lesson #2: Lockdowns do not work to substantially reduce deaths or stop viral circulation
Jan 19, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
My friend Andrew Lowenthal (@NAffects) once worked at the Harvard Berkman-Klein Center. He now works to expose the inner workings of the censorship industrial complex of which the Berkman Center is a part. The essay he wrote last April is eye-opening. 1/5…
Over the years, Andrew watched with dismay as a legitimate scholarly enterprise with a deep commitment to free speech turned against its prior stance in favor of propaganda. 2/5
Jan 18, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
.@moderna_tx bankrolled the Orwellian "Public Goods Project" aimed at defaming mRNA vax critics. @lhfang reports that the company targeted me for tweeting a preprint by @US_FDA affiliated scientists that showed elevated seizure and myocarditis levels in kids after vax. 1/5
Moderna tagged my tweet for attack because they were afraid that accurately reporting the existence of preprint reporting these signals of vax side effects would make parents hesitant to give the Moderna vax to their kids. 2/5
Jan 10, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
In Feb '21, former Stanford med school dean Phil Pizzo irresponsibly attacked Dr. @ScottAtlas_IT for advising Pres. Trump in summer '20 against lockdowns & school closures.
His attack in JAMA, that physicians should not "threaten the nation's health" is deeply ironic. 1/5
First and most obviously, lockdowns failed to protect people from dying. Since Jan '20 Sweden has the lowest cumulative age-adjusted all-cause excess deaths in Europe. California was worse than Florida.
It was the lockdowners who threatened the nation's health. 2/5
Dec 13, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
In Victoria, former Premier Dan Andrews commissioned a propaganda report dividing Victorians into 5 castes, arrayed based on people's devotion to Dan's restrictions. 1/
Caste #1: Strongly support & follow restrictions 2/7
Nov 10, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
This report by @shellenberger and @galexybrane on the @Stanford Internet "Observatory" is devastating. Based on documents provided by subpoena, it shows direct Stanford participation in censoring social media speech of Americans & directly contradicts university denials. 1/7
Throughout 2021 and 2022, the @Stanford Internet Observatory team flagged any post -- whether the post was true or false -- that they deemed would diminish enthusiasm for the covid vaccines.
Oct 23, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
In 1968, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics faculty in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok voted to censure Raissa Berg, a Soviet dissident and brilliant geneticist, for signing a letter protesting Soviet treatment of scientific dissidents.
A Mendelian geneticist, Berg's career survived the Lysenko/Stalin purge of Soviet genetics in the 1930s but not the opprobrium of fellow Soviet academics in 1968, who just wanted her to shut up.
Sep 16, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
In March 2021, scientists published an article with an idea to "eradicate" covid in a single day.
1. Simultaneous self-testing by everyone 2. Self-isolation of carriers 3. Deny people who test positive entrance to public facilities
"It's common sense," they wrote. 1/4
In November 2020, Slovakia implemented a "variant" of this idea, testing "most of the population" & preventing people from returning to work unless negative. The scientists claimed success, with a 60% reduction in new cases in "less than a week"! 2/4
Sep 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I have been an American citizen since I was 19 years old. Never did I imagine that an American government would conspire to violate my free speech rights.
But that is what the Biden Administration did, as the 5th Circult just confirmed.
How to be anti-vax, a primer: 1) Exaggerate covid vaccine efficacy against disease transmission 2) Cause people to lose jobs and ostracize them via covid vax mandates & discrimination 3) Gaslight people with vax injuries
1/44) Push Swiss-cheese interventions with inadequate scientific justification to augment the vaccines while simultaneously telling people the vaccines protect against severe disease
Aug 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
New JAMA article counts instances of doctors spreading "misinformation" online. The authors count posts saying that the vax doesn't stop disease spread as misinformation.
Oh, the irony of JAMA spreading misinformation in an article decrying misinformation.
Here's the article.…
Aug 5, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This op-ed in JAMA is surreal: 1. It complains that the @NIH is not funding research on population psychological manipulation 2. It insinuates that the NIH "paused" this funding due to a free speech lawsuit. Is this the NIH's official position? 1/2…3. It claims that there is no 1st amendment right to be wrong in public 4. It attacks the @gbdeclaration by claiming that children are at high risk of covid mortality
The irony of juxtaposing points 3 & 4 hurts...