John Eastman Profile picture
Former Constitutional Law Professor and Dean, Chapman University Fowler School of Law; Senior Fellow, The Claremont Institute @claremontinst
Feb 10 5 tweets 2 min read
Major ruling in the Arizona electors case this a.m. The new judge just ruled that I met the prima facie case required to dismiss under the anti-SLAPP statute -- that is, 1st Amend. rights implicated, & substantial evid. that the prosecution was to retaliate or deter those rights. Just to clarify. The AG now has to prove that she wasn’t motivated by desire to retaliate or deter 1A rights. Their brief is due March 25. The judge also rejected the AG’s claim that the anti-SLAPP statute is unconstitutional.
Jan 22 5 tweets 2 min read
The left is going bonkers over President Trump's Exec. Order on birthright citizenship. Already 3 lawsuits have been filed, making the false claim that the issue was settled 150 years ago with the 14th Amend. My article exposing that lie is here:… A more thorough, scholarly article on the subject is available here:…
Apr 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ This from the WSJ today, sourced from Johns Hopkins data. Odd that California--which is the epicenter of travel from China--has so few cases compared to NY. Our speculation, confirmed by anecdotal evidence from doctors in the area, is that Covid-19 hit California last fall. 2/ If true, that suggests a couple of things. California's confirmed cases would be higher once we get data on all those who presented with an odd, early-onset flu last October and November. But more importantly, a lot of Californians may now be immune