How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App we can say that empirical evidence is new around the double empathy problem, theory of mind and empathizing literature is poorly operationalized and defined, poorly measured AND dehumanizing, and people have had much more time to get it right but have't. is a wealth of literature and studies out there showing that fostering positive identities around disability, mental health, sexuality, and gender can help prevent the internalization of negative social messages, help with self-esteem, connect you with similar others etc.'s a mismatch between how autistic & non-autistic people use facial expressions. Interactions between people inherently involves more than one person & more than one subjectivity. By the same logic, maybe the Neurotypicals are wrong. But it's a social group with more power 🤷 Murphy did contact me to say that I just misunderstood technical language of the paper like everyone else. There is no mistaking "It is our intention to show that people with ASD exhibit less marked domesticated traits at the morphological, physiological, & behavioral levels" this article lacks iis any real examination of systemic and institutional power between groups of people who by definition do not have equal access to or use of power. It begins by pretending that autistic and non-autsitic people are on an even playing field 2/ adults who make it into a GPs office to ask for help to get a diagnosis or some of help from services relating to ADHD, autism, or any other neurodivergence is often because they are chronically struggling, developed co-occuring mental health conditions and need help.