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Author of 'Adequately Explained by Stupidity?' Music lover. Don't blame me, I voted Yes.
Aug 5, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
What do we know about Imane Khelif? A new thread.
I’m not insisting he’s a normal male without a DSD, it’s perfectly possible he does indeed have 5ARD or something similar. It may yet be proved that he has. But there are numerous features of this case that suggest he might not. Imane is a girl's name, but one very pro-Khelif account consistently refers to him as Iman, a name given to both boys and girls. So does his own Twitter account. (Castor Semenya was given a boy's name at birth, however you spell it.) Image
Apr 5, 2021 8 tweets 8 min read
@Chrissiem18 @Wifty8 @SealeStu @GraemeHighland1 I understand it quite well I think. The original allegations were only intended to remain on file to be used to make Alex back off if he applied to be an SNP candidate again, to keep him out of elected office. So the fact that the evidence was thin/made up didn't really matter. @Chrissiem18 @Wifty8 @SealeStu @GraemeHighland1 However Alex took them to court over the gerrmandered procedure they cooked up to do this, and won. In a fit of fury and revenge the ringleaders decided to involve the police and escalate the whole thing to a criminal prosecution. The original complainants didn't want this, ...
Mar 6, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
@liz6153 @suzybongoes @ABalharry62 It's fair to note that she didn't and doesn't have Jacinda Ardern's power to close borders completely. It's utterly unrealistic to ignore the fact that she did and does have a lot of scope within the devolved settlement to institute measure that could have massively mitigaged... @liz6153 @suzybongoes @ABalharry62 ... the enormous death toll. Right now she tells us, almost helplessly, that "almost all travel between Scotland and England is currently illegal," and so it is. It could have been made illegal last spring and summer under exactly the same legislative powers, but she bottled it.
May 1, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
It can't be stressed enough that these people are not talking about actual herd immunity, in which a virus is driven out of the population. That is not achievable without a vaccine. Deadly viruses don't miraculously disappear completely because they made enough people immune. If that happened we wouldn't need vaccines. Polio, measles, smallpox and so on would just have vanished of their own accord! It isn't herd immunity they're pursuing, it's endemic disease. That's the stage after an epidemic when deaths settle down to a constant lower frequency.
Jun 21, 2019 29 tweets 24 min read
@jammach @rattlecans @SophiaPangloss Thank you, but I was just expressing my own concerns. I've had to rethink an awful lot about this over the past months. @jammach @rattlecans @SophiaPangloss I have a MTF trans friend, who came out to me in an emotional late-night phone call over 20 years ago. My gut reaction was it was all a bit weird, but I was sympathetic and what could I do but say "welcome sister". Unprompted, I felt this "cis privilege" thing of having, with...