How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App I don't understand three things about the shadows. because “0 feet” altitude above the runway in New Mexico is a lot lower barometric pressure than 0 feet at Cape Canaveral where we took off. The pilots explained how it is set whenever they are at a new airport. I was just wondering and thought no more of it till that night. We saw evidence of this at the NASA LCROSS mission’s impact into Cabeus crater in 2009. The target soil was so soft that the spacecraft apparently buried into the soil 2-3 meters deep before meeting much resistance. This caused three observable: Mr. Bridenstine was appointed by Pres. Trump, and the Trump Transition Team had people assigned to plan space policy. They were calling people for input. I got one such call and the person told me they not only WEREN’T going to cancel Resource Prospector, but instead… Vortices made visible by water vapor You need enough surface area around the base of the rocket for the gas to flow out, or the engines will choke. Imagine a cylinder extended below the rocket to the ground. The exterior of that cylinder must exceed the exit area of all the rocket nozzles that are firing. Here is what they look like on the inside. They are something like 98% empty space, and the rest is a glass fiber. The fibers touch each other along small contacts, so thermal conductivity is very low. (The scale bar is 100 microns, or 0.1 millimeter.) Closeup image of the clods. These are likely very porous, low density clods — very fluffy material — that will easily fall apart between your fingers. Yet they are in blocky shapes somehow held together as the footpad impacted and disrupted the ground. First I’ll tell you what I know about the videos, then the telemetry. The papers described how those small experiments give physics insight that leads to a new equation predicting erosion rate when there is no saltation. I took that new equation and applied it to the Apollo Lunar Modules to predict how much soil was blowing. Or is it from blowing dust plowing across the surface? Or from engine shutoff when the last sputter of the engine cause a low velocity blanket of dust to fly out to a much smaller distance than normal? The problem has always been that this blast zone is *too small* to be… The thing about using regolith for shielding is that you use it when you are on the surface of a planet, and there’s so much available and you do t carry it on a spaceship so you have no reason to use a thin amount. It entirely solves the problem! The technology is a coating called Solar White, which uses Yttrium Oxide to block almost all the solar spectrum while yet allowing emission at black body temperatures for a cold object. So the object in direct sunlight continually loses net energy to space. When I was at NASA, one of the things I was doing was writing solicitations to industry to write physics-based code to do CFD without Navier-Stokes. There are many ways to treat the fundamental physics (the Boltzmann Transport Equation) and they all work for different… It took 8.5 months from the breakthrough while sitting at McDonalds until I got the paper done. 😭 I had to re-do it several times. 💀