Rebecca Tidy Profile picture
I cover drugs, organised crime, policing + public health.
Dec 27, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Blogger Simon Tilley uncovered the truth about Chief Constable Nick Adderley’s fraudulent claims of a Royal Navy career + he was fired from his lucrative job as top cop in 2024.

But what many don’t know is the callous treatment Tilley still endures from Northants Police. Every single time Tilley made a claim about Adderley or his colleagues, he’d not only get abuse from alleged police on X, but he’d face harassment from uniformed officers knocking on his door + threatening to arrest him for stalking or malicious communication.
Nov 16, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Trigger Warning – There’s some very distressing Guernsey news + I feel it's important to share.

If you're affected, know you're not alone + now might be the time to speak up. A top security officer at Guernsey Prison, with decades of service, has been suspended after being named in a suicide note by a suspected child sex offender. This has been ongoing for over 4 weeks.
Aug 3, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
The police repeatedly requested my phone passcodes in the interview + kept returning to this topic + pressuring me.

One of them said, "You're under a duty to disclose the passcodes + we're requesting them formally. Your refusal means that you may be committing a RIPA offence." I was under no duty to hand these passcodes over. They hadn't obtained a RIPA notice.

Furthermore, the police knew that I was a journalist when they applied for their s8 search warrant, but didn't declare it when asked if they knew of any info that undermined their application.
May 4, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵 An innocent 46-year-old woman was knocked unconscious + hospitalised – with serious long-term injuries – by a police officer in Feb. 2024.

Yet the police are refusing to release the officer’s body cam footage or CCTV, only allowing her + a friend to view it at the station. The woman was on a night out + the police were dealing with a fight, while she was trying to leave a Guernsey club.

Footage shows her speaking to a male officer.

Witnesses say she expressed concern that officers were using batons + being heavy-handed to the public.
Jan 27, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
In England, police can put a marker on a central database to say you're suspected of benefiting from crime with ZERO evidence to support this false claim + the banks will close your accounts, leaving you bank-less.

I've no criminal charges/convictions, but now no banking access. Image Just like for an arrest, the threshold for this marker is "reasonable suspicion".

A police officer's "reasonable suspicion" can get you de-banked for life, with no need for a judge, magistrate or independent person to review + approve this. 🤷‍♀️ Image
Jun 25, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵Ever wondered how @MetPoliceUK officers feel about Baroness Casey's review into misogyny, racism + homophobia in policing?

Fortunately, many serving cops shared their opinions via the force's intranet.

Here's a thread of their comments.🍎

(1/10) Cliff's heard it all before + he ain't buying the bullshit.

Like a drug dealer caught shottin' weed, he's feeling victimised by how the Met blames people for their "wrongdoing".

I guess some folk call it a blame culture, but others call it taking responsibility for your actions
Nov 4, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
There's a series of interlinked Discord groups for Britain's cops. You must show policing ID – such as a warrant card – to gain entry.

These groups are packed full of misogyny, racism + homophobia that – quite frankly – makes the recent WhatsApp revelations look tame.🍎 Over the next week or so, I'm going to share excerpts from these groups, which – collectively – have a membership of many hundreds of police officers. And of course, we can be certain they're emergency services workers as they all foolishly flashed their ID to join the group.🍏
Sep 13, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: The retired railway cop, Norman Brennan, is often inaccurately described on TV as a knife + gun crime “expert", as well as a homocide “specialist” + "former Metropolitan Police officer".

It’s really disappointing, as Brennan is none of these things. Image He has almost no operational – or professional research – experience of homocide nor knife + gun crime. And he’s never been a Metropolitan Police officer.

There’s also the inescapable fact that he’s not worked in policing for 13 years.
Jan 23, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
A mother just told me her son has been on remand – in prison – for almost a year after being supected of couriering an ounce of a class B drug. The prosecution submitted a truly ludicrous valuation of this substance to the court – and they've provided no evidence to substantiate this price whatsoever, despite repeated requests from the defence.