Dr. Sarah Profile picture
Medical Director at Virta Health. Physician, all-patient advocate, researcher, mom and wife living with stage 4 cancer. Tweets are not ind medical advice.
Jul 18, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Here is something that really disturbs me. I asked @USDANutrition @TeamNutrition 's Brandon Lipps this really important question to which I could not get an answer. "There is a 9-year old African American boy who lives in urban - anywhere. He is already struggling with… obesity at his young age. He eats breakfast and lunch at school (when we had school), and at night his dinner is determined by government subsidies. Will the 2020 US Dietary Guidelines help this child?" Of course he had no answer because he and everyone else…
Jul 7, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
So, I have been a patient advocate for years. Some things I believe as a physician and as a human: 1. People are inherently worthy, 2. We need to stop blaming people for their disease (far too often still occurs with obesity and T2D) 3. Medicine does not have all the answers 4. Science ROCKS, but too often is manipulated to support individual bias and $$ 5. We have almost unreal inequity in healthcare 6. Dogma can be deadly. Three years ago I had to transfer those beliefs not just to support my patients, but to support myself as well
Jun 15, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Let's talk about this study from @KevinH_PhD et al and lipids for a moment. bit.ly/2MT17mM . It is REALLY important to notice that the LDL-C was CALCULATED, not measured. Why do we care? @bigfatsurprise @Dr__Guess @JPMcCarter 1/5 The Friedewald Equation:
LDL-C = Total Cholesterol - (HDL-C + Triglyceride/5)
SO....if triglycerides drop (which they did in this study) it comes down to basic math. Even with changes to HDL (up) and TC these are usually dwarfed by the change in trigs on a ketogenic diet. 2/5