Shreena Unadkat Profile picture
Paediatric psychologist at @RHCGlasgow. Previously with @EvelinaLondon sleep medicine and Clinical/Academic Tutor @CCCUAppPsy! Pronouns:She/Her. Views my own
Nov 1, 2020 18 tweets 7 min read
As COVID-19 cases (and lockdowns) rise again, remember that your feelings are likely normal and shared by those around you

You may even have managed 'okay' when the pandemic started, but are starting to struggle now

Let’s have a think about why this may be the case

(Thread 👇) This CFT model is a simple (but useful) way to think about our emotions. We have 3 main emotional systems that balance each other out to keep us well

Yes, we do actually need a threat system in order to alert us to danger

Right now, our threat system is being activated A LOT
Feb 16, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
Chatting with @laurarathbone and @ranilillanjum today gave me so much food for thought. At one point Laura asked us which book/paper changed our practice and our lives. So I thought I would share a few ideas/models/books here that have influenced my practice over my career! Barry Mason's #safeuncertainty is a concept I come back to again and again. To feel safe in not knowing is vital for an open conversation with patients. The rush to feel certain is understandable, but can shit down growth and understanding #barrymason