Suneel Dhand MD Profile picture
Physician. Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle, Eliminate Toxins, Personal Development 💪🏽 Views all my own of course🇺🇸🇬🇧 🏃🏽‍♂️
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Apr 10 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m a Physician and I believe screening colonoscopies are another scam from the US Medical Establishment to make big bucks.

Think about this: They are sooo important that barely any other western country recommends them— including the UK and France.

When I hit the age, I have zero intention of having a screening colonoscopy in the absence of any symptoms. I’ll be following Europe recommendations.

My body is NOT a cash cow for gastroenterologists or any other specialty.

I have an upcoming video on this. This tweet may incense some US Doctors (and I’m glad it will). But any of these doctors know damn well that money from colonoscopies is THE huge motivating factor in current recommendations.

Why do other countries which don’t do screening colonoscopies have lower rates of colon cancer, improved survival after diagnosis, and higher life expectancy than America?

Take money out of the equation— and there would be NO blanket recommendation for everyone to get a colonoscopy. Actual evidence is weak.

The only indication to get one as screening, as in Europe, should be symptoms (e.g. blood, pain, weight loss) or strong family history.
Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m a Physician, and every medical decision is personal. For me, 3 medications I would NEVER take, even on my deathbed:

1. Any Statin

2. Any Anti-Depressant

3. Paxlovid My problem with ever taking Statins?

Reason #1

All medical decisions are personal, between a patient and their Doctor. Speak to yours if in doubt.

I am my own Doctor 😂 and know what’s right for me. Statins are way over-hyped (deliberately) when you look at actual statistics like Absolute Risk Reduction and Number Needed to Treat.

Not impressed
Oct 23, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
A lot of people ask me:

Dr Dhand, you seem like a reasonable nuanced physician, what are your recommendations for general adult and childhood vaccines (not COVID, but others)? Particularly as you do not trust the CDC or US public health authorities

Great question, here we go… I do practice medicine in the United States. I love this country and the people—but think our health institutions—FAIL the American people every single day. They are riddled with corruption and financial conflicts of interest
Oct 20, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The CDC’s vote on childhood COVID vaccines. If you are RED-PILLED to US agency corruption:

1. Opens the door to future school mandates

2. Ensures more lucrative Big Govt-Big Pharma contracts. The vax is not “free”

3. Shields vaccine makers from liability

A friggin’ disgrace (Continued thread here…)

I wouldn’t have known to always look for things like this a few years ago in my professional field, but literally the ONLY rule you need to know in US Healthcare and Medicine is: Follow the Money.
Oct 17, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
On the bright side, I thank the last 2.5 years for completely waking me up to the following (list 1-10):

1. The enormous scale of corruption and conflicts of interests in Medicine

2. How Big Medicine, Big Tech and the Mainstream Media collude to push a narrative and agenda 3. How Big Pharma can wildly exaggerate the benefits of any medical intervention by pushing Relative Risk Reduction (not talking Absolute Risk Reduction and Number Needed to Treat). This has been going on for years

4. Lack of critical thinking skills among medical professionals
Oct 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you want proof of what utter clowns our medical authorities and academic institutions are—look no further than the below analysis: US vs Japan COVID.

Not a mention of Japan being super healthy, great food choices, and v low obesity. But NO—it’s MASKS!… It is astounding that when you look at almost any US “medical authority” talking in the mainstream about how poorly US has fared with COVID mortality— and how well Japan has done (despite Japan having a sizeable elderly population), they will NEVER tell people the truth about