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Anti-hegemony|Anti-imperialism|Stand with Global South|Support One China
Oct 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
⭕️Debunking the misinformation over the incident of Chinese consulate in Manchester stormed by a group of HK separatists. Let's break it down, frame by frame, I've highlighted every crucial detail.🧵 First of all, this protest was not APPROVED by the police, hence these HK rioters were actually violating the law of the UK, they should be charged for unlawful assembly.
Jul 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
For the farce of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, Chinese military rarely used the terms "中国军队不会坐视不管", it literally means "The Chinese military will not sit on their hands".

"不会坐视不管" actually is quite serious warning which only used twice in history. Small 🧵 First time it happened on Oct 3rd, 1950 during. Formal Chinese PM Zhou Enlai urgently met with the Indian ambassador to China and asked the Indian side to deliver China's strong warning to the US, "If the US army crosses the 38th parallel, the Chinese army will not 坐视不管!".
Jan 26, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
13 Facts about Xinjiang and Uyghurs Image 1. Xinjiang has been an inseparable part of China since the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC – 9 AD). In ancient times, Xinjiang was called "西域", The Western Territories. Before, all ethnic groups in Xinjiang were brutally ruled by the Huns until Han Dynasty defeated them. Image
Sep 1, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Why the CPC won the civil war? What would happened if the KMT won the civil war? Let’s see how many unequal treaties that the ROC govt had signed with the US. (A thread) (1/11) "Agreement on American Aerial Photography in China"(1945.11.21): The US aircraft had full rights to conduct military investigations in Chinese airspace.

"International Monetary Fund Agreement"(1945.12.27): the US has the exclusive right to Chinese currency. (2/11)
Jun 15, 2021 24 tweets 9 min read
This is my analysis of the major issues that are currently emerging in the US and the future trend of China-US relations. If the US does not actively seek to improve its relations with China and stops suppressing China, the results will be tragic.(1/n) Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the US has only one way to deal with the economic crisis, and that is to print money. Countless US dollars flowed into the market, therefore the Fed’s assets and liabilities expanded by more than 50% within a year.(2/n)
Jun 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Everyone knows this is the national flag of the people’s republic of China. But perhaps a lot of people don’t know what the meaning behind this flag, so here’s the explanation. Actually, this flag contains many theories of socialism.(1/6) This flag is a combination of one big star, four small stars and a red background. Let’s start with the red background, the red background represents "revolution", which means that this flag was exchanged for the bloodshed and sacrifices of countless people.(2/6)
May 10, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
This tweet I am gonna compare the GDP of China and the US to prove why China has never regarded surpassing the US as its goal and how is the US economy being exaggerated? (1) In 2020, the GDP of the US and China is $20.6 trillion and $15.6 trillion respectively, so the gap is about $5 trillion. But the problem is that at present, there is no unified regulation on the statistical method of GDP worldwide. There are many statistical methods, among (2)
May 8, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
In this tweet, I am going to introduce all the current levels of China’s diplomatic relations and what they mean. China's current diplomatic relations are divided into the following 11 levels, and they are: 1) All-weather strategic partnership of cooperation: There is only one country which is Pakistan🇵🇰 (Brother country, you can be seen from this pandemic, and no matter how the international situation changes, no matter how the situation in Pakistan changes, the friendship (1/1)