Drake JoJo 👁️ Profile picture
Editor/Animator | 12 yr Graphic Designer | YouTuber | Draw-man | @joshscorcher editor | Game Reviewer | Author
Jun 19, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Hot take: This isn't a very good iteration of Clark. He's presented as so naive and feckless that it's hard to believe his character would want to be Superman. Clark being nice is important, but he could at least have some backbone. (1/?)
#MyAdventureWithSuperman Image Not to mention, his personality is incredibly generic. His upbringing as a country boy raised by good people in Kansas seems largely irrelevant. Ma and Pa Kent don't seem particularly wise. Which is pretty boring as far as Superman stories go.
#MyAdventureWithSuperman Image
Oct 13, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
I have a conspiracy theory about how #CastlevaniaNocturne was initially going to be way more game accurate than it ended up being. Follow me on my autistic dive into the story elements that call themselves #Castlevania. Image There are a lot of similarities between Edouard and Jacques. Almost as if they were originally going to be the same character. Image
Mar 30, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
There are certain hills I won't die on when it comes to fanservice. For instance, if the design is better than the original, or fits the new direction. My line is when it's just an obvious attempt to cover up because the creators are spineless and unimaginative. The Tomb Raider reboots lies about Lara eventually becoming her OG counterpart. The devs show nothing but apathy for the OG fans and are actively desexualizing a sexual character. The is what creative censorship actually looks like.