Drew Turner Profile picture
Happiness is a cold hole in the ground. Lover of Plants | Disabled Veteran | #ChangeWillCome #KeepKratomLegal #CloseGitmo
Jun 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the idea GOP members like Sen @LindseyGrahamSC are suggesting. Taking untrained veterans, putting then through some form of security training and turning schools in to compounds, secured compounds.

See this is done in the Phillipines. A beautiful but divided country. My son just graduated high school there, has been in school there his entire life and he sees this every day.

Going to McDonald's? Hello security person and thank you.

Going to school? Yes security person here is my papers, I'm supposed to be here.

Everywhere this happens.
Jun 4, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Want to expand on how impossible the idea of manning public schools with an entirely new style of security, untrained veterans, would be.

Let's start with the number of public schools, the ones a law would focus on- 97,568. My first duty station, CFA Chinhae ROK, I eventually was selected to work as the School Reseource Officer for the base DOD elementary school. A job I held for only a bit over a year after several years training and promotions. I'm one of a rare group who did a similar job.
Jun 2, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Putting veterans in school, especially asking them to volunteer for it, is a terrible idea as is asking them to volunteer to teach defensive security to school staff.

Let me explain further why its so bad.

1. Most veterans are not trained in physical security. 2. The veterans you will attract as volunteers will largely be people that have the wrong training/knowledge base, will likely misrepresent their skills and will create a far larger liability.
Jun 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
For years I was in the camp of more regulation with regard to firearms meant reduced liberty. I absolutly was blinded by the propoganda that was out there.

See I'd surrounded myself with people repeating that over and over. It was stuck. Eventually I met journalists like @nickpwing who used to write for HuffPo on topics including guns.

I started talking to folks like @JoePlenzler. @FPWellman and other veterans that served in combat zones & dont want to see us slide any further in to that via gun proliferation.
Jun 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This is an 80% lower receiver. With a jig, many times included, and some power tools this can go to being a finished AR15 lower receiver in a very short time.

These aren't regulated at all in 45 states. For the most part neither are all the other parts to an AR. Image If this was 100% finished it would require serial numbers and you would have to go to a Federal Firearm License Holder aka gun shops to buy them and go through a background check.
Jul 13, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The following thread may trigger some, I'm saying this in advance so anyone that deals with mental health issues reads no further. I'm a Sexual Assault Survivor. In 1987, at 13, I was raped by a Boy Scout Leader while at a Boy Scout camp.

Until today I've never said this out loud or written it down. I'm working on my healing process finally and feel like this is part of it, admitting it wasn't my fault.
Jul 9, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Gun violence, negligent homicide being called accidental shootings and proliferation of guns need to be addressed.

Our problem in the US is both sides demand to be right and can't grasp they both offer ideas that sound great until a magnifying lens is taken to them. Most politicians don't write laws, they depend on others to do so & currently a lot of the realistic gun laws are so filled with flaws they will backfire.

We can do more but it takes sitting down and really looking at what's proposed, not just proposing it and walking away.
Jul 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Friend of mine sent me this article as its caused some confusion. What many don't realize is the Capitol Police hold a similar role to the Secret Service, just for Congress.

cbsnews.com/news/january-6… I'm actually more surprised it took Jan 6th for them to create field offices. Maybe they have never viewed the public as a real major threat? Maybe they just decided they could do all investigations from DC?
Jul 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Do I think gun ownership is OK for many in our country?

Do I think we need to implement accessible safety programs? Yes. We have practically none that aren't loaded with propaganda and most are expensive or unaccessable for most. Does everyone need an AR-15?
No but there are actually legit uses for them that open up hunting and target shooting for many.

Should everyone have a handgun?
Nope. Again If you don't spend a ton of time training, not just punching paper on a range, you are a risk for all.
Aug 28, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
I'm going to do a longer video explaining this but I wanted to be open about what pushed me toward suicide some weeks ago and why I spent almost a week in a psychiatric ward. We had been informed our house had been foreclosed & sold to the @DeptVetAffairs as the guarantor on our mortgage. We had never been served, we didnt get a chance to speak to mediators like the VA claims they have, etc.
Apr 14, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
This is one pound of Kratom. This, a dried & crushed leaf from a plant in SE Asia, is being blamed for 91 deaths. Sort of. Funny thing is the CDC and FDA arent bothering to tell you that hundreds of thousands of people make tea & take this in capsules, which has improved lives. There was another plant that was also blamed for "insanity, criminality and death" at one time without hard facts. Why are we still playing this game? Why do we keep looking at these ideas that adversely affect poor and marginialized communities?
