Child and Adult Psychiatrist, mother, wife, entrepreneur, & activist. Opinions are my own & not the views of my employer
May 25, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
My son's teacher just sent out an email including this statement: "I want you all to know that it is not only my job, but in my nature to protect your children while they are in my care and to make sure that each and every one of them feels loved and safe while at school" 1/
I'm wondering if in that statement she is implying that she would put her life on the line for our kids. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's the sense I'm getting. Now I can't stop crying.Instead of teaching she needs to think about sacrificing her life for my child 2/
Aug 5, 2021 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
I don't think people understand the toll that the pandemic is taking on healthcare workers. I treat many physicians & their families. I spent an entire session with a doc who just cried for over 20 minutes. They didn't have the ability to speak. The grief & trauma is overwhelming
I spoke to @BostonGlobe about healthcare worker burnout d/t Covid in Dec. Nothing has changed. Things are actually getting worse. Have we learned nothing?! What are we going to do when HCWs leave? Who will be left & will they have anything left to give?…
Mar 9, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
A school contacted me asking me to provide trauma informed trainings to their educators. I reviewed the content I planned to discuss, much of which also addresses racism and disparities in education. They indicated they were "not interested in racism stuff." #traumainforned 1/
My answer: then you are not looking to become more trauma informed. You CANNOT address trauma in schools without addressing the trauma caused by systemic, structural, and individual racism. Do not ask me to teach you something you aren't ready to learn. Absolutely not 2/