Alex Crosbie Profile picture
Exposing Targeting Crimes in Ireland in Public Interest; Blacklisting/DEWs/Neuroweapons; Family Targeted 25 years + ; Father Tortured/Murdered, Sister Suicided
Ramola D Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
CIA/Mi6/Private Contractors et al did indeed move MKUltra-Ongoing, Neuroweapon and Directed Energy Weapon testing out of the lab and into the "field" meaning into civilians homes/neighbourhoods via remote access systems, globally From an article I'm vaguely familiar with, and need to review, but corroborates that MKUltra research moved from the lab into the civilian population, initially via cults per below, and later via non-lethal EMF weapon testing:
Jan 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Freedom fighting heroes, fighting to save democracy in the free world" To clarify; atrocities are always committed by both sides in any war, but the level of sadism displayed by Azov per various numerous reports smells of CIA/Mi6 involvement, also per previous reports
Jan 1, 2023 18 tweets 9 min read
1) Thread on "mainstream" disclosure videos, and some additional material (tip of the iceberg) relating to #TargetingCrimes including #DirectedEnergyWeapons, #NeuroweaponSystems, #MicrowaveWeaponSystems 2) CNN video from early on in the #HavanaSyndrome official narrative development when the reporter stated "voices and repetitive messages" were bring transmitted to diplomatic targets in addition to a range of synthetic sounds/noises :

Sep 19, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
@GhostofWinnie @Patrick06817121 @ccww_whit 1/ Targeting crimes are perpetrated in the public domain; in communities, workplaces, local businesses via organised harassment/stalking, slander/framing ops and generally Zersetzung/COINTELPRO-style life sabotage. @GhostofWinnie @Patrick06817121 @ccww_whit 2/ Large cohorts of the public, and officialdom, are very aware of these crimes, and the nature of the directed energy /neurotech weaponry used.
Sep 6, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
1/ #OrganisedHarassment, Threats, #DirectedEnergyWeapon attacks

Last night, while I was in the toilet around 1.30am, Dennis Sweeney came out of his room and muttered in the hallway outside "you like to smoke and puff away and look out the window" (I don't smoke) 2/ He went back into his room after delivering this typical unusual, strange prescripted dialogue intended to convey a threat or other reference or information to a target, the theme here appearing to associated with chest.