Dustin McKenzie Profile picture
He/Him, Animation Director on Young Jedi Adventures. Past: Transformers: Earthspark, Firebuds, Action Pack, The Rocketeer, Monster High: Friday Night Frights
Aug 12, 2023 26 tweets 6 min read
LOOL! Hope you enjoy my novella! It depends on complexity of the scene. A lot of times, the boards are clear and we're able to just truck along and elevate it. Other times the boards and assets don't quite line up, that's were I'll start to "translate" things for my crew.
(1/25) In some cases, that means, "Let's stage everything over by the mailbox. Someone interacts with it for a shot, so it's technically the most important element to the 3D staging" And then we're basically able to follow the boards for the characters, and the BG will do what it does.