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Same Sex Attracted Man. Anti “Gender”. LGB and Women’s rights. #IStandWithJKRowling. #RepealTheGRA. “Tool of Radfems”. Would be King of the Ultras. INSUFFERABLE
5 subscribers
Aug 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I understand this but I am extremely skeptical (to say the least) of the idea the man in question is an innocent victim not realising he’s a man.

I am more inclined to give adults agency and suggest he knows full well he’s a man but continues to cheat - yes enabled by others 1/ But I don’t buy the argument he’s not complicit in this nor am I going to call a man “she” if he is unaware or not

I just don’t think he is. All the evidence points to him obviously realising he’s male despite the cultural background that may have seen him “raised as a girl” 2/2
Jul 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Right. This is better. This is true. I agree with Suella except it’s *even worse*.

It represents the view that someone’s personal gender identity is more important than sex, that ppl can have surgery and hormones to align with their identity, and that homosexuality isn’t real 1/ And that attraction is based on gender identity and presentation not sex.

Which is a lie. And it’s a lie being sold to children. They are growing up believing they can choose to be a man woman or neither, and people will be attracted to them for their identity. 2/
Jul 8, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
No I am not a “fan” of Braverman but I’m getting extremely angry at people constantly saying we all have to dance around the mutilation and indoctrination of children, the existential threat to lesbians and the destruction of women’s rights.

Can *I* read her speech instead? 1/ Stop it. Stop saying we have to be sensitive and careful and watch out words around this.

No I will not. I’ve had enough.

TQ+, gender ideology and the butchered pride flag is pure unadulterated misogyny and homophobia. 2/
Jun 20, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I want to say something regarded ppl who say things like “repealing the GRA isn’t pragmatic right now”

First, yes I know. Yes I know it’s politically difficult and I know there are many other things especially falsifying documents that need to be tackled. I know it takes time 1/ But what I want to say is how this feels. I remember in 1994 with the age of consent being moved to 18 not 16. Irrespective of the age (maybe it should all be 18 🤷‍♂️) it was still not equality. I do remember the S28 law and how long it took to be rid of it 2/
Jun 17, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
What Blair is basically saying is that gender ideology has gone too far and is erasing women (true) BUT men who have been surgically altered should still be entitled to be legally counted as women. (False)

I have massive issues with this “compromise” position. It’s sexist 1/ How many times? No matter how a man feels, no matter what he does to his body *he is still a man*. The concept of “reassignment” is toxic, and surgical attempts to disguise sex should be outlawed. Not only to protect women either 2/
Jun 13, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
The labour manifesto on gender sex and CT is completely and deliberately ambiguous and could be used to full TRA or mostly GC. A thread 🧵 1/ Image First this bit on GRA reform. Actually there’s nothing in it.

A new process, that retains the old process. Healthcare pathway not defined. It’s a nothing. 2/ Image
Jun 4, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
I have unpopular opinions on why women (the sex) never seem to get anywhere near parity in what I would call “hardcore tech” roles.

It comes from what I’ve observed in my 20+ years in IT and there’s a clue in the word I just used… 1/ The short version is the culture. I’ve seen it in many many tech orgs despite not working for many because I visit them. I see and I observe. And what I see is not just male dominated but all the “masculine” stereotypes of behaviour, and I don’t mean the physical ones… 2/
May 29, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
No one should be discriminated against for what they are. A thread 🧵

However, there seem to be some people labouring under the false impression that some people “are trans”, and that those people deserve extra privileges and protections versus the rest of us. I disagree 1/ I’ve seen arguments this week arguing what’s “worthy of respect” or what views are “discriminatory”.

Men are not women. I do not believe anyone deserves protection from “discrimination” on the grounds that their pretence of being something they are NOT, is “worthy of respect” 2/
Apr 6, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Ok let’s pick one of these at random. “The same bigots you stand with used to say the same thing about people like you”

This is false in many ways, and is weaponising homophobia to advocate for *men pretending to be women* 1/
Image First, they are generally not “the same people”. The people I stand with are the same people who advocated *for* gay rights. The fact there are people who lump “LGBTQ+” into a “bad people” box is irrelevant. 2/
Apr 2, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
I would like people who have sympathy for “HSTS” to reflect on that a bit. There are a few reasons. First, the sympathy shown to those men is craved and coveted by men with AGP. It inflames their jealousy even more.

Second - the HSTS vs AGP is flawed… 1/ There are many inputs to men claiming to be women. Sexual orientation is only one and the motivations overlap, and can exist in the same individual. It’s possible for a man or boy with ASD to misinterpret his own orientation as just one example. 2/
Feb 9, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Well good for you Janice. Use whatever pronouns you feel like using to be “courteous”

But you call a man she and I will consider you as disrespectful to me, pandering to an idiotic ideology or narcissists and that’s also my right. 🤷‍♂️ 1/

archive.is/lcrRb For the millionth time people criticising you and saying “you shouldn’t do that” or even “don’t do that!” Are not forcing you to do anything.

You’re an adult. You can say “no I will do what I want”

And we are allowed to have an opinion on it you don’t like. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ 2/2
Feb 6, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I just saw this. That Vulcan feeling I had earlier sadly did not last the day.

I don’t agree with this. I also don’t like gay men crying homophobia at the merest criticism.

Homophobia reaches *a minimum* in GC feminism. Not zero obviously, but a minimum. 1/ Image And rad fems. Of all people they are the only ones who genuinely treat me *just the same as every other man*

And that’s all I ever wanted.

And no you can’t convince me with one or two screenshots. I screenshot and keep every homophobic thing said to me.

I know who says what
Feb 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I am so irritated by people who imply I’m not being “respectful” if I don’t call some men “she” (which ones? What’s the criteria?).

It’s entirely disrespectful to women and to gay men trying to point out all men are equally men… because we ALL ARE. 1/ And then will complain that my “no I am not doing that and I don’t appreciate being called “disrespectful” equals “policing speech”.

No I’m not. YOU are. By applying emotional coercion of “be polite” to get me to lie.

Stop it!
Nov 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If you want to save boys from becoming men driven around by their sexual desires then the one thing you do not want to do is tell them that acting on every sexual desire and fantasy they have is “ok”. Instead reinforce boundaries and let them know they will not come to harm 1/ By not indulging every fantasy that pops up into their head, and to keep “sexy times” boundaried. No you do not want to live out your fantasy 24/7 even though I know when you’re aroused you definitely believe you do. 2/
Aug 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I have mixed feelings about this. Very mixed. On the one hand I feel anger that women like this are participating in the glorification of self harm, and that women can be men, or non women. She will never be a man, and those scars just prove it. But… 1/ Image She’s also a victim. A victim of the ideology that says women can be men, and that dysphoria - instead of being a response to the gendered world we live in, as well as a possible internal misinterpretation of sexuality - is a sign “body is wrong”. 2/
Jun 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🙄 there is. It’s often misdiagnosed, over or under depending on context but saying “it’s lit real” when there’s absolutely neurological evidence that some of us have an executive function that is so out of normal limits we have problems - is unhelpful. 1/ https://t.co/BuEOS7nhIQ
For many years I was misdiagnosed with anxiety until my ADHD diagnosis. The anxiety was and is real. It operates in lieu of Executive function and planning. Normal brains are able to just remember, plan and do. I struggle with that so I end up worrying myself into things 2/
Jun 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

Quite apart from the fact this started as “preferred” and it’s now pivoting to “required”, I will not be manipulated into playing someone else’s pretend fantasy about themselves because they demand it.

They can’t have that. Image How dare you claim to fight for me.

#LGBWithoutTheTQ Image
Jun 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@GNQ__ 🙄 what is it with people in the US apparently insisting on gay being a choice/abuse? Lots of kids sadly get abused just look at the testimony of women… and yet most people remain straight. Meanwhile I definitely wasn’t abused nor did I even know about anal at 14… @GNQ__ Or porn. The *weight* of evidence points to in most cases homosexuality arising from multiple biological pathways of development. Rather like personality traits. You can’t make someone’s personality what you want. Parents know this well.
Jun 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
What i would like to say is actually that first bit of the video is really important. If you use wrong sex pronouns as Helen says - things start to not make sense, because sex matters. I also find it offensive if a person refers to a man as “she” 1/ And yes it’s my offence. I have my reasons, I’m happy to explain them

I understand the frustration of being corrected and I’m not “outraged” by Helen’s desire to tell people to just *stop* when they do that. I get frustrated with ppl ever day! Especially when they are right 2/
Jun 10, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
@stormrobinson @theneonrequiem “This conversation may be old and closed for you, but it’s not for me”

And this is what education should be about. Especially for gay men. I was fortunate (?) to have every theory thrown at me in my youth. I grew up with it.

Not everyone else has… @stormrobinson @theneonrequiem I would focus on the absolute facts though.

1- being gay doesn’t predispose you to anything. Other than finding men hot.

2- how you live your life and what you decide to do is always on you and not the result of “urges” 🙄😬

3- a gay relationship can be entirely fulfilling.
Jun 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
So when I say homophobia reaches a minimum amongst “GC” and sex realists, I’m particularly disappointed when I see it coming from gay and bisexual people.

I long for the day when being same sex attracted is not considered a problem to be fixed, cured - or prevented. 1/ Image It is not a disorder. This was established in Britain as long ago as 1957 in the Wolfenden report.

Seeing everything through the lens of suburban 2.4 (or 1.8?) kids and a dog is regressive thinking. I know that’s what’s going on 2/