Duncan Epping Profile picture
Chief Technologist @VMware. Author of https://t.co/hniZ3uos4S, https://t.co/Btu4silb5v, vSAN Deep Dive, and Clustering Deep Dive. Host of the @unexploredpod!
REpping Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 15, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
As I know various of my followers are runners, figured I would share my experience so far with the Stryd footpod. The Stryd footpod measures your output and capabilities and can determine specific training zones to improve your endurance and pace using a single metric! Stryd displays watts, very similar to what a cyclist sees. The benefit of this is that you can use this "watt" metric to for instance pace a race, run intervals, or even run a full workout at a particular effort. You could use pace-ranges as well or heartrate but...
Oct 16, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I had a conversation this week with someone about how you can work towards joining a global company like VMware. I feel a couple of things are important. You need to find an area of interest and aim for the right entry-level. This, for 99% of the people, is a PSO or SE role. 1/5 Invest time in yourself to become a Subject Matter Expert on that focus area. If you don't invest in yourself, why would a company invest in you? While on that journey, build a network. Reach out to people who work at that company, follow them on twitter/linkedin. 2/5