Duncan Austin Profile picture
Raised Orthodox Reductionist, recently converted to New Systemism. Loops, not lines. Everything in layers. Both brains required, not just the one we keep using.
Dec 7, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I wish the attached chart were clearer/better understood because it tells a critical story of how climate scientists have become increasingly concerned about the risks and nearness of irreversible #tippingpoints over the last 20 years. 🧵 Image The leftmost bar shows that in 2001, scientists believed that 'large-scale discontinuities' might only occur with 3-5C of warming. But as research has deepened over the last 20 years, scientists have steadily lowered their predictions of when discontinuities may occur.
Oct 1, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
I’ve posted this image before but find myself repeatedly returning to the tension it expresses. It is effectively a Rorschach test for people's intuition about climate change and biodiversity problems. 🧵 Image It depicts 2 contrasting mindsets about the relationship between economy and environment that lie at the heart of the climate change debate, though people's intuition for one or the other is often held implicitly, leaving different actors talking past each other.
May 24, 2023 35 tweets 10 min read
I really wish the ubiquitous GHG #decoupling charts were better news than they are (as it would make things much easier) but unfortunately they fall foul of the 'fallacy of composition' and are fostering a dangerous complacency about climate change efforts. 🧵 Image TL/DR: decoupling charts show some countries are now reducing emissions while still growing GDP, but the climate challenge is to reduce absolute global emissions to near zero before it is too late. The former does not at all guarantee the latter.
Oct 25, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Our *Voluntary Market-Led* response to the climate change and biodiversity crises - (CSR, ESG, impact, divestment, disclosure etc.) - is a 'Fix that Fails'... (1/11) Image A 'fix that fails' is a systems archetype in which a first-order solution triggers a less apparent or delayed, second-order unintended consequence. Too many of our sustainability 'solutions' have rebound and backfire effects. (2/11) Image
Feb 24, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Our sustainability 'fixes' are not working because Economics has still not grasped what Ecology says. 'Ceteris paribus', says the economist; 'everything is connected' says the ecologist. Hmmm.

The better news... 1/6

responsible-investor.com/articles/ri-lo… ... is that we are all 'economist' and 'ecologist'! Because we have left 'economic' and right 'ecological' brains. "The left brain deals with pieces of information, the right brain with the entity as a whole." (Iain McGilchrist).

We are effectively biperceptors... 2/6