Dusty Deevers Profile picture
Follower of Christ, husband, father, pastor, abolitionist. OK State Senator District 32. Christ is Lord!
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Mar 7 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Update on my bills from the Oklahoma Senate

Over the past five weeks leading up to yesterday's committee deadline, eight of my bills passed committee and are (or will very shortly be) eligible for a hearing on the House floor. This thread will highlight a few of them. (1/6) Image First, SB550. This bill bans drag queens from perverse story hours on public property because we must protect our children from those who wish to sexualize them. It passed the Public Safety Committee 8-3.

If anyone wants to defend these twisted and perverse events, which are often marketed to children, please go watch the short YT documentary from @TexasScorecard, "It's Not Gonna Lick Itself", and get back to me.

I hesitate to even include the name of the documentary because of how gross it is, but exposing the vileness of what's being done to our kids sometimes means coming face-to-face with how disgusting it is. That was the name of a real drag event marketed to children. (2/6)Image
Jan 29 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵Contra Mr. Pornlawyer, publicly publishing prostitution footage is not "speech" in any meaningful sense.

Let's look at SCOTUS precedent.

The Miller Test, established in Miller v. California (1973), holds that "obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment." (1/10) According to Miller, content can be banned if:

1. the average person would find that it appeals to the prurient interest;

2. the content depicts sexual conduct as defined by state law; and

3. the content lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. (2/10)Image
Jan 23 9 tweets 4 min read

In line with the MAHA agenda, I have introduced six bills to improve quality, transparency, accountability, decentralization, and freedom in health and medical care.

First, SB943, the Medical Freedom Act, would establish that “The right of a person to refuse any medical procedure, medical treatment, device, vaccine, or prophylactic shall not be questioned or interfered with in any manner. The right of a person to public accommodation, to the equal protection of the law, and to seek restitution for harm shall not be denied or infringed upon because of the exercise of the rights contained in this section.”

This bill comes from model language written by @RMConservative. (1/9)Image The Health Education Act is a bill to ensure that public school health curriculum stays in their proper lane of teaching nutrition, exercise, and physical health rather than wading into liberal versions of sex ed and psychological counseling that should be left to parents. (2/9) Image
Jan 22 16 tweets 7 min read

The radical left has destroyed the foundations of Christian civilization such that many now consider normal a society drowning in hardcore pornography, prenatal homicide, and other evils. I introduced 8 bills to change that. (1/16) Image First, the Abolition of Abortion Act (SB456). While Oklahoma clinics no longer perform abortion, ordering and ingesting abortion pills remains legal and accessible because of massive loopholes in our pro-life laws. We must close those loop holes.

Recently published research from @AbolitionistFAA shows that an estimated 3,274 of these self-managed abortions are occurring in Oklahoma annually. (2/16)Image
Jan 18 5 tweets 4 min read
“Repealing the income tax is a giveaway to the rich.” A response to moderates and leftists.

The income or labor tax is a control system that punishes everyone, especially the working class.

1. Taxing labor is an assault on human dignity

Taxing a person’s wages is a direct tax on their very ability to live. It tells the worker, “Before you can feed your family, we take our cut.” It means the state gets the first claim on a person’s time, effort, and productivity before they can provide for themselves and their families.

That is nothing short of state-sanctioned servitude. If a person does not own the fruits of their labor first, what freedom do they truly have?

Even liberals who talk about “economic justice” ought to see the problem here.

If a person does not own his own labor first, then he does not own himself. That is the moral foundation of this argument. There is no justice in a system that claims ownership over a man’s wages before he even sees them.

The government has no right to claim the first fruits of a man’s labor. It is HIS property and the just government is to preserve and defend people’s God-given, unalienable rights to their property by which they sustain their lives. This is a fundamental truth.

1/5Image 2. The Income Tax Scam: How the rich get richer and the middle class gets crushed

Here’s the dirty little secret politicians do not want you to know: the wealthy suffer the least under income taxation. They have loopholes, exemptions, trusts, tax shelters, and the ability to move their wealth into non-taxable investments out of the IRS’s reach.

The ones who get hurt the most? The middle class—small business owners, skilled tradesmen, and young professionals trying to provide for their families, but bearing the weight of labor taxes. They do not have tax attorneys or offshore accounts.

They have paychecks—and the government siphons off a portion before workers ever touch them.

If you really want the rich to “pay their fair share,” stop penalizing the act of working. The current system punishes those who show up, clock in, and put in honest work.

Jan 12 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Sexual freedom isn’t free. God’s design for sex is the key to joy and thriving.

The world’s promise of pleasure apart from God’s design comes at a cost: broken families, ruined lives, victimized children, and a crumbling society.

Paganism offers this lie, but its “freedom” destroys everything good.

1/10 What is paganism?

Paganism denies God’s Creator/creation distinction and rejects His natural order.

It blurs all boundaries—Creator/creature, male/female—and exalts human autonomy.

Egalitarianism is an expression of this rebellion, flattening God-given roles and hierarchies. The result, among other sexual immoralities and their effects:

• Pornography
• Premarital sex
• Adultery
• Homosexuality
• Abortion
• Transgenderism
• Transhumanism
• Bestiality

This rebellion leads to chaos and destruction.

Jan 10 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵 There are potentially ENORMOUS ramifications to this anti-ESG ruling.

Have you ever wondered why virtually every company, even those with conservative customer bases, participate in Pride Month? HINT: It's not because they think it will increase sales. (1/5) Image It's because they want a good ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) score, which gives them access to lower interest rates and other corrupt benefits from the far-left activists who have captured influential financial insutitions. (2/5)
Jan 8 8 tweets 3 min read
Here’s how I explain my Bitcoin Freedom Act (SB325) to one of my sons today.

Here’s how the Bitcoin Freedom Act could matter to you, especially if you start working for someone else. 1/8 Image 1. Your Money, Your Choice

When you get your paycheck, you usually get paid in dollars. But dollars can lose value over time because of inflation, which makes everything more expensive.

This bill lets you choose to save or get paid in Bitcoin, depending on if it is earning value better than the dollar.

Bitcoin isn’t controlled by a government. It’s is a kind of digital money that you control, without needing a bank or anyone else to manage it for you.

It’s like having cash in your pocket, but on your phone or computer.
Oct 25, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵9 Reasons to Repeal Federal and State Income Tax

1. Freedom Begins Where Taxation Ends

A government that seizes your earnings is a government that seizes your freedom.

Every dollar taken by the state is a dollar lost to your own vision for your family and future. @realDonaldTrump's reported goal to repeal federal income taxes is a historic step toward restoring Americans’ rights to life, liberty, and property, returning power to the people rather than bureaucrats. In Oklahoma, @GovStitt’s commitment to a path to zero state income taxes shows he understands that a true free state starts with free citizens.Image 2. Cut the Cord on Government Gluttony

Tax dollars should serve the people, not feed the beast.

Income taxes fund a bloated, corrupt system that grows endlessly and serves its own interests. By slashing income taxes, President Trump and Governor Stitt would force government to focus on essentials, cutting off waste and corruption. Every American—Democrat, Independent, and Republican—should see this as a moral imperative.
Sep 18, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵The Pro-Abortion Movement's Latest Lie

Abortion activists claim that a woman died because of a Georgia pro-life law. This brief thread will prove how dishonest their claim is and how widespread this particular lie is becoming. (1/6) According to the @propublica report, Amber Thurman took abortion pills to kill her twins, but some of the remains of her twins remained in her uterus rather than being naturally expelled. She then went to the hospital. (2/6) Image
Aug 30, 2024 11 tweets 7 min read
🧵8 Laws Every Parent Should Know

by @heritagedefense attorney @bradleywpierce

As an attorney with Heritage Defense, I frequently get questions from homeschool parents about laws affecting their parental rights. As a parent myself, I have had many of the same questions.

Based on my experience practicing law for over 16 years, and being a dad for 13, here are eight state laws I think every homeschool parent should know: 1/Image ⦿ Do vaccine mandates apply to homeschoolers?

⦿ Who are mandatory reporters, and why is that important?

⦿ When can your child get healthcare without you knowing or consenting?

⦿ What are the laws about spanking?

⦿ How long does your child have to ride in a car seat?

⦿ When can you leave your child in the car while you run in the store?

⦿ When can a child be left home alone?

⦿ Can a CPS social worker come into your home without your consent?

These answers vary by state. To help you understand the law in your state, Heritage Defense has researched and compiled all these laws and many more in our free Law and Policy Vault. 2/

Aug 26, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Before analyzing it, let me be clear that Pastor Johnston's children are created in God's image and I pray nothing but God's blessing on all of them.

But this astonishingly awful article on IVF contains not merely error but Christological heresy and defense of murder. 🧵(1/10) Johnston writes in his article: "An embryo is not synonymous with a child."

When sperm meets egg, a new, living human being is formed. Every embryologist in the world knows that life begins at fertilization/conception. Actually, forget embryologists. Everyone who graduated sixth grade biology knows this. This point is not in dispute.

"To accept the fact that, after fertilization has taken place, a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion...It is the plain experimental evidence." -Dr. Jerome LeJeune, Genetics Professor at University of Descartes

"Every human embryologist in the world knows that the life of the new individual human being begins at fertilization. It is not belief. It is scientific fact." -Dr. Ward Kischer, University of Arizona College of Medicine
Aug 19, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Info on Upcoming Tax Cuts

Though I hoped for even greater cuts and filed legislation to do so, I am very pleased that we were able to at least get rid of the 4.5% state grocery tax, which is set to be eliminated for all Oklahomans beginning next Thursday, August 29th. (1/9) Image In addition to eliminating the State sales tax, the new law also prohibits cities and counties from raising local grocery tax rates until July 1, 2025. According to recent data, the new law will save the average family of four in Oklahoma roughly 60 dollars per month. (2/9)
Aug 8, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
🧵Fact Checking the Fact Checkers on Tim Walz's Pedophile Protection Act

You'll find many angry replies under this post claiming I'm lying about the bill and that USA Today and Politico have "debunked" my claim. I wish that were true. Sadly, it is not. (1/16) The previous Minnesota definition of "sexual orientation" excluded pedophilia. But the new version signed by Walz repeals that exclusion. The effect is that pedophiles now have a good case that "sexual orientation" includes them. (2/16) Image
Aug 8, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵New Undercover Footage of Planned Parenthood Ghouls

"I'm like, 'yeah, I have a leg for you!' I'm like, 'Oh s***, if other people were to hear me, they'd be like, 'You are f****** evil.'"

"You'll be desensitized for playing with the tissue. I know it seems morbid." (1/10) And a second newly-released video:

"I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and then pull off a leg or two." (2/10)

Aug 7, 2024 25 tweets 9 min read
🧵Tim Walz Left-Wing Insanity Megathread

The media would have you believe Walz is a "folksy" moderate. But as Minnesota Governor, Walz signed HF146 allowing the state to strip custody from parents seeking to prevent their kids from undergoing "sex-change" surgeries. (1/25) Image Just a few months ago, Walz signed HF2497, a bill mandating that Minnesota schools provide tampons in boys bathrooms. (2/25) Image
Jul 19, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
President Trump concluding the RNC with Puccini’s “Nessun Dorma” is fascinating and obviously fraught with meaning. The aria (i.e. opera solo) is renowned for its themes of perseverance, ultimate triumph, and sometimes the political defeat of evil. (1/7) In the play Turandot, the aria is sung by Calaf and embodies a powerful message of unwavering resolve and the promise of victory despite seemingly insurmountable challenges. The aria closes with “At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!” (2/7)
Jul 18, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
🧵The Left Must Lose. The Right Must Not Compromise in Order to Do So.

Deranged leftist "Human Rights" activists attempted to lock up 20-year-old Alexander Jerich for years under hate crime laws for a hate crime committed against...

*checks notes*

...a crosswalk.

(1/15) Because concrete is not a valid "victim" of a hate crime, the prosecutor dropped that charge, but still pursued other charges. The judge has now ordered Alexander to "repentance" and reeducation for his act of "blasphemy" against the LGBTQ+ religion by writing a 25-page report on the Pulse Nightclub shooting and volunteering for pro-LGBTQ+ organizations. (2/15)Image
Jul 17, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
🧵Trump, Neo-Cons, and the RNC

The removal of Christian morality from the RNC platform this week is a travesty that I fiercely oppose. But we must be realistic about what the previous platform really was. (1/17)

It was a tool for tricking Christian conservatives into thinking Neo-Conservatives (the previous Republican establishment) were our friends. Let me explain. (2/17)
Jul 17, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
🧵The Trump Shooting and Why the Right Must Win

Friday’s assassination attempt that wounded Former President Trump's ear and killed hero Corey Comperatore is an unconscionable attack on our Republic. (1/16) Image I pray for the Contemperatore family as well as for Trump and the others who were injured. More than anything, I pray that the violence would not escalate. (2/16) Image
Jul 16, 2024 32 tweets 8 min read
🧵RNC Night 1

It has been said that parties are a reflection of those they represent and that we get the leaders we deserve. We need to come to terms with the hard truth that what we saw on night 1 of the RNC was a reflection of failed Christian political engagement. (1/)
With as many Christians as are in the US, this should not be happening. Many Christians, for far too long, have been apathetic to and compromising with cultural evils, fearful in the face of worldly power, and critical of bold Christians who apply Christ to politics. (2/)