Esther Profile picture You can find me where the skies are bluer. I will be keeping account up for a while longer but I will no longer be tweeting.
Jan 12 5 tweets 1 min read
Many clinically vulnerable people are being incorrectly branded as being overly anxious when the incorrect guidance is in place on #COVID. This is obviously incorrect from the disparity between the @WHO guidance and UKHSA. This is causing many stress & more are dying from .. Preventable covid infections. Why isn’t the public masking when the guidance at present from @WHO is to mask. It’s a failure on many levels of:

1. incorrect guidance for airborne transmission.
2. UKHSA not following WHO guidance for masking, vaccines, testing & monitoring.
Jan 6 33 tweets 9 min read
Another day to point out that children are going into unmitigated schools where covid is airborne. I don’t understand why more parents aren’t concerned. There are serious post infection risks, these last years after any SARSCoV2 infection. 🧵 Things to understand: Contrary to popular belief from day time tv & social media, EVERYONE is at risk. It doesn’t matter how healthy you are. Long covid is a risk to you. Image
Jan 2 33 tweets 8 min read
I feel sometimes it doesn’t matter if we post another thousand pieces of research. We shouldn’t need to provide more evidence. It comes down to only one thing now, the government isn’t saying it and there is an unwillingness to look at evidence. There is more than enough 🧵 that:
1. Covid is airborne
2. COVID19 is not mild and post infection risks can be serious.
Dec 12, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Can you please explain why clinically vulnerable, who make up one third of the UK population & long COVID sufferers are being denied vaccine choice and access to antivirals? ‘Learn to live with Covid’ apart from if you are poor and can’t afford to buy any or are denied access 🧵 due to age. This is the only protection we have from an airborne virus. Vaccines aren’t adequate enough and the UKHSA guidance isn’t even close to the WHO recommendations. Why is Labour refusing to answer questions on this @wesstreeting ?
Dec 9, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Think back to your childhoods, long before 2020. When a child had a significant illness they stayed off until they were better, so that others didn’t get sick, or suffer disability or die. Did the world end or the economy crash when x or y stayed off school? 🧵 Now when x and y get COVID or flu or whooping cough they are encouraged to hurry back to school or work when still infectious. This results in so many more being ill and getting long covid. It makes zero sense. If one person keeps their infection to themselves they are the only
Dec 2, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Long Covid is currently impacting between 10-20% of children. That’s likely to be like the US 1 in 5. I don’t understand why this is accepted as ok. This figure isn’t static and the percentage will continue to rise as risk is cumulative. Any politician claiming they care about 🧵 childrens futures, should be acting on COVID. Risk rises for every child from each reinfection. It also disgusts me that there has been not a single mention of clinically vulnerable children in 5 years. No safety measures in place when so many children have died.
Dec 1, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I spoke to someone this week about ongoing COVID deaths and was very upset by their response. I have always considered this person to be kind. They said to me ‘oh yes it’s sad about deaths in clinically vulnerable and elderly’ but we have to live our lives. I pointed out they 🧵 are at just as much risk of becoming vulnerable after Covid reinfections and the shrugged. They didn’t understand how high their risk is or how much risk they pass on because vaccines are not enough at this time. I blame the lack of health messaging for where we are but also
Nov 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I do not say this lightly but I have witnessed some awful things in the last few years. I have spoken to many relatives of people whose lives have ended far too soon. Some were children, these stories will forever stay with me. What’s happening in the UK and many other countries is absolutely appalling. If you had told me that clinically vulnerable & disabled people would have been treated so badly by our governments I wouldn’t have believed it was possible in the UK five years ago.
Nov 23, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Everything in the @covidinquiryuk is still being portrayed in terms of past tense. ‘During the Pandemic’ but it’s ongoing, we are in year 5. They are obviously looking to learn from past events but the risks are still happening now. Hundreds are still dying every single week. 🧵 We might be past the peak of deaths from acute illness but we aren’t past the peak of long covid. It’s important to know that the CDC has put long covid as a cause of death now. So it could be argued we are just dying more slowly. A friend of mine died fairly recently from
Nov 10, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Another conversation this week that went less than well.

Me: Are you getting your COVID vaccine this year?

X: No, we are immune.
Me: When did you last have COVID?
X: In the Summer
Me: And before that?
X: Christmas time.
Me: It doesn’t sound like you are immune.

🧵 X: I only had it mild like a cold
Me: Each reinfection increases your risk of long Covid & you have increased health risks lasting years. Aren’t you concerned about your health risks?
Sep 23, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
We are in an incredible situation where our governments are doing everything to sweep Covid under the rug.
Ending waste water testing
Ending data
No long Covid dashboard
No testing
Not following WHO guidance
Denial of airborne transmission since Day 1
🧵 Not following guidance from research on taking action
Not following correct IPC
Limiting vaccines
Doing nothing to correct misinformation in the media & on social media
Failing to provide adequate treatments & support to the over 400 million long covid sufferers.
Sep 23, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
‘The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe’ why is there no action now on mitigating for an airborne brain damaging virus @YvetteCooperMP There are over 400 million globally suffering long covid. A mountain of research that the government isn’t looking at. Why?
Sep 21, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
This is the vital information that came out of the #Covidinquiry that wasn’t on the front page of any national newspaper! 🧵
Sep 14, 2024 8 tweets 1 min read
@PrivateEyeNews Nothing in the press about this most important testimony coming out in the #covidinquiry
Aug 21, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
A lot of good folks are locked into a way of thinking on #COViD that it’s ‘mild’ or ‘like a cold’ some of the press & politicians have kept stating this over & over. This has been a lot of people’s experience of it, so when you are seeing many of us warning on it, many are 🧵 incorrectly thinking this doesn’t apply to me. There is a lot of confusion about #COVID. That’s because there has been a failure for the guidance to reflect the current research.
Aug 15, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
We had so many lockdowns because there were no mitigations for COVID. I believe that preserving ‘normalcy’ has been constantly prioritised over life & long term health. If they had brought in preventions like clean air & advised on ffp2 masks & focussed on vaccines keeping … pace with strains we would be in a very different place now. Instead of doing that we had many lockdowns, then ALL of the language around COVID ever since has been enormously negative and this has overshadowed any sensible health messaging.
Aug 4, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
We need to talk about clinically vulnerable people. 1/3 of the UK population are clinically vulnerable to #COVID from a wide range of health conditions including things like chronic lung disease, autoimmune, Diabetes, Cancer. There is a very wide age range, some are… children, some folks are elderly. Some are immunocompromised/suppressed, some but not all are disabled. It’s a very big and diverse group of people that are very widely misunderstood and some of press has not given a true reflection of this at all.
Jul 31, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
I don’t have a crystal ball but I really think things are going to get steadily worse in the UK with infections. Labour seems so far disinterested in dealing with COVID. They are pronouncing they will make children the ‘healthiest’ whilst simultaneously allowing a serious Virus to circulate in unmitigated schools. There is airborne transmission, covid is a vascular airborne virus which is not mild. Nothing is mild that has years of long term health risks!
Jul 30, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
If you catch #COVID you are at risk AFTER your infection for 3 Years. That’s 3 years per infection. The risks include:
Neurological damage, gastrointestinal damage, heart damage, blood clots, mental health problems, mental health problems, organ damage, eye damage, hearing damage There are increased risks of Diabetes & autoimmune conditions amongst other health risks.
Jul 2, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
Ten posts that should leave you questioning the narrative that Covid is a cold. The virus that causes #COVID is #SARScoV2 🧵 1. If you search back on the internet under news items you can clearly see that the virus is vascular in nature. That it has always caused #bloodclots…
Jul 2, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
All of the advice we are getting on #COVID implies there is nothing we can do but ‘accept’ that we ‘will’ catch multiple infections. No one suggests that in fact the government could get off their backsides and actually return to a policy we have always had of self isolation for any serious condition. Over 28 million people have died of this so called ‘cold’. Millions of adults & children worldwide are suffering long covid. You don’t have to accept a lifetime of these awful infections & poor health. We need #CleanAir in all schools, work & healthcare.