Reportero/Columnista 🇨🇴 @FutbolMLS @sounderatheart y editor ejecutivo de @sportspulso. Con toda la cobertura de #MLS, #Sounders, #Seahawks y otros deportes
Feb 10, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
was asked if I could translate some of what Andy Polo's wife had said on the Peruvian talk show she was on. Woke up out of nowhere, so I will leave a thread below of what she said on the Magally TV show about what allegedly happened with the Timbers winger, now suspended by #MLS
Genesis Alarcon said the following @MagalyTvLaFirme:
"When I called 911, he called someone from the team, and that person from the team did arrive but because I didn't speak English, I was upstairs while that person from the team, the policeman and Andy were talking downstairs."