ERC TIDE Profile picture
ERC funded research project (innovation programme grant no. 681884) examining migration & mobility in the early modern world, @engfac @UniofOxford.
Apr 21, 2022 9 tweets 8 min read
To celebrate the launch of our second open-access, collaborative output, ‘Lives in Transit in Early Modern England’, we’ll be introducing a new life in-between every day for 10 days with posters made by TIDE intern, Natasha!
#TIDELives #LivesInTransit First up is the English-born Duchess of Feria, Jane Dormer (1538-1612). In this essay, @lauren_working explores how Dormer – who left for Spain in 1559 and never returned – used her political/financial resources to further the Counter-Reformation cause: Image
Jul 28, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Up next in Session 2.2 is Michele Piscitelli @1Michele0 presenting on Italian language learning in early modern England! #OnBelonging Two books are pillars for researchers of Italian language learning in EM England: William Thomas’s Principal Rules of Italian Grammar (1550) and Thomas Hoby’s translation of Castiglione’s il Cortegiano. #OnBelonging
Jul 28, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Jasmin Bieber is up first for Session 2.2, discussing borderscapes in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko! #OnBelonging JB proposes a shift in our study of the text, away from the question ‘Where does the narrator draw a line between herself and the encountered ‘Other’?’… #OnBelonging
Jul 28, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Good morning and welcome to #OnBelonging session 2.1, ‘Geographies of Devotion’ with @ThomasCliftonA5, Charlie Beirouti, & @CatRoseEvans. Expect pearls and beads, discourses of purity, and the gestures of ‘practical godliness’. First up, @ThomasCliftonA5 discusses the spiritual in-betweenness of sailors who were regarded as ‘a third sort of person, to be numbered neither with the living nor the dead, their lives hanging continually in suspense’. #OnBelonging
Jul 27, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
Stellar cast for our roundtable discussion w/ @MEMOrients: @HassanaMoosa @Lubaabanama @endeeeka & Münire Zeyneb Maksudoğlu #OnBelonging To start: what do we mean by ‘early modern orients’? What/who are we talking about when we refer to Anglo-Islamic encounters in the pre-modern period? How do we approach the multifaceted layers of identity? #OnBelonging
Jul 27, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Our final speaker for 1.3 is Anna Frieda Kuhn, with ‘Canine Imaginaries and the Construction of the Other in Early Modern Southern Africa’. #OnBelonging The idea for this project was sparked by a recent South African production of Antigone that made the figure of the ‘dog’ central to its unravelling of racial concepts both during the colonial, apartheid and post-apartheid periods. #OnBelonging
Jul 27, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Next up in session 1.3 we have Madhubrata Bhattacharyya on ‘Representing English Catholicism In Early Modern Goa: The Many Identities of Fr. Thomas Stephens’. #OnBelonging Majoritarian regimes bringing up difficult questions in terms of identity. Example from William Foster’s preface to ‘Early Travels in India’ — the ‘sturdy Protestantism’ of the Englishman #OnBelonging
Jul 27, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
At #OnBelonging we’re kicking off our session 1.3, our first lightning talk session, with @MiraAssafK, Madhubrata Bhattacharyya, and Anna Frieda Kuhn! @MiraAssafK Our first speaker for 1.3 is @MiraAssafK with ‘Borders and Freedom of Movement: The Case of Royal Women’. Her paper will focus on the mobility of two royal women, Una and Duessa in The Faerie Queene. #OnBelonging
Jul 27, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
The final speaker for session 1.2 is Chris Higgins @BirkbeckHCA speaking on women’s mobility! #OnBelonging Counter to contemporary condemnations of women travellers & works of later historians, CH argues that international travel far more extensive than previously assumed. #OnBelonging
Jul 27, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Up now in 1.2 is @dr_pangallo speaking on Italian players in England in the 1570s! #OnBelonging @dr_pangallo 1570s was a period of particularly condensed Italian theatrical activity in England. However, actors and nature of performance is often neglected in scholarship, in part due to limited documentary evidence. #OnBelonging
Jul 27, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Up next in Session 1.2 is @GuidovMe speaking on ‘Diplomatic belonging’ in EM India! #OnBelonging @GuidovMe GvM uses William Norris’s embassy (1699-1702) as a lens for looking at the performance of English identity in India, arguing that it existed between the diplomatic worlds of England and India. #OnBelonging
Jul 27, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Session 1.2 now and up first is Professor Jane Grogan @UCD_English looking at the Italian travels/translations of Englishmen c1540s/1550s! #OnBelonging @UCD_English JG suggests connections more meaningful that study of their individual activities reveals. The common denigration ‘inglese italianato’ obscures a more empowering transcultural identity for these men – an identity of opportunity and authority. #OnBelonging