Tanesha, BSN RN DEI Diva Profile picture
she/her saving lives by day, pissing off racists by night queer af 🏳️‍🌈 #BlackLivesMatter
Apr 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I had a former follower get pissed at me and unfollow because I pushed back when she tried to claim basically all serial killers are white men. I told her there's no way of us knowing that for certain because most of the time when women of color are murdered the cops don't Invest the same time and energy into investigating the crimes. There are so many missing and presumed murdered Black women out there and we have no earthly idea how many of those cases are connected. Some of the most prolific serial killers in the US have been Black men but they
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the last time I address you, me not wanting to engage with you is not hypocrisy. It's me setting a boundary and reclaiming my time rather than dealing with manipulative bullshit. If I told you you couldn't block me and had to hear me out (like you're doing) THAT would Constitute hypocrisy. If you don't believe the stories of racist abuse shared by people of color because you're skeptical, that's your business. But that tells me 1) you're probably a racist 2) you've probably engaged in similar behavior 3) you're an unsafe person 4) you're not