Emily Turner Profile picture
Storyteller and writer – Prolific public transport rider – Host of @roundelroundpod – she/they – probably on a bus
May 2 18 tweets 4 min read
Here is a quite silly story about how transport being unreliable caused me a lot of stress today...

I was leaving work this evening, and as I was leaving I needed to pee. However, my colleague was using the bathroom to get changed and I thought, "I can wait"... Now, my normal journey home is about 35 minutes. I had, however, decided that I would not make my normal journey home today. I would go to slightly-further-away tube station and then take a bus, because this bus would drop me right across the street from my polling station.
Feb 11, 2023 53 tweets 13 min read
Going to bed ahead of the lass buses tomorrow. Had a friend Text and Sau, “Sorry I missed your Birthday! I only realised when i read about it in the Guardian…” What a weird life… Why has autocorrect lost its mind when I’m too tired to notice mistakes?
Feb 11, 2023 43 tweets 8 min read
Had a cheese and onion pastry and lemon muffin for breakfast. Cheese and onion isn’t very breakfasty for my taste, but when in Rome… Two Greggs bags folded on a wooden counter. The toilets in the Leeds bus station are like nothing I’ve ever seen. You have to close the sanitary protection lid to get the to flush. It’s a good idea. But their commitment to sanitation doesn’t continue to the badly-designed sinks. A toilet with a translucent plastic lid that clips down.
Feb 10, 2023 82 tweets 17 min read
Bus socks on! Ready to roll!

I will be delay-tweeting my journey so you’ll see everywhere I go, just after I leave so I don’t get bombarded with route suggestions and, you know, safety and stuff. But time to catch some buses… The bottom of jeans with feet covered in grey socks with red double-deckers buses on then. My first bus driver is TEARING up the road. Hope the bus drivers do this when I have very tight changes later!
Feb 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Tomorrow is the day I start my journey from London to Scotland via £2 local bus services. I've been wanting to do this for YEARS!! I cannot wait!!! Have just cleared out the file folder I used to organise my transiberian railway journey from years ago to put in the stuff I need for this journey – from one epic journey to the next!