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Let The Wheel turn! Let us go to The World of What Was Though it feels like The World of What Still Is And The World of What will Always Be Atop Himmlemsdor!
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Oct 31, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Odin had two sons who are well-known by the general public: Thor, Balder.
But are those two the only “descendants” of the Allfather? Image With Thor’s mother, Jörd (meaning, ‘earth’), Odin had another child – someone called Meili, ‘the lovely one’, whose existence is attested in the Poetic Edda.
With Frigga, Odin became the father of Hermodr (meaning ‘war-spirit’), who was considered to be the messenger of the gods.
Oct 29, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Before Europe had Christianity shoved down its throat and Yeshua claimed exclusivity on reincarnation, all ancient Europeans believed in the transmigration of souls.

The Celtic belief in reincarnation after death is testified by, for example, Julius Caesar in De Bello Gallica: "(The Druids) wish to inculcate this as one of their* leading tenets, that souls do not become extinct, but pass after death from one body to another, and they think that men by this tenet are in a great degree excited to valor, the fear of death being disregarded".

*the Gauls'
Oct 27, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
When I was a young lad, feeling offended by something was just part of life - if you didn't like something, or felt offended by it, maybe you voiced your opinion and then carried on doing whatever you were doing. Image When someone offended you, you simply offended them back and then life went on.
When entertainment was considered offensive, you would simply not watch it... and life moved on. ImageImage
Sep 28, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Let us say that people from a foreign religion have invaded your country and then waged war against it.
Let's say that after that, they started going from city to city, decimating the population by atrocious means. Let us say that once this enemy took over your country, they began torturing your family and people, and executing many of them during public displays of immense horror, for years on end.
Jun 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The spirit of death, shame, suffering and self-belittling versus the Spirit of Life, Honor and Reincarnation.

Kneeling versus Standing up!
Begging for protection versus Being the Protector! Not doing what is wrong for fear of punishment and eternal damnation versus doing what is right because it is Honorable - because you've inherited a sense of what is right from your forebears.
Mar 2, 2021 12 tweets 7 min read
In office from 1973 to 1975, yet a close associate and advisor to many American presidents for much longer...
Who was Henry Kissinger – a FOREIGNER laureated as one of the greatest diplomats of the 20th century that had direct influence over presidential decisions? Image As it is customary with many historical figures, the mythical and the real Kissinger are not one and the same.

He was a self-serving, blood-thirsty, conniving man.
Let us now look at a list of this “exemplary” man’s achievements! ImageImageImageImage
Jan 8, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
When it comes to a people - black, white, native Indian, oriental, etc. - LAND AND BLOOD are an essential element.
It was LAND AND BLOOD that gave rise to these specific groups. Could white, blond, blue-eyed people have emerged under the scorching sun of the Serengeti? Moreover...
LAND AND BLOOD having given rise to different ethnic groups (i.e. to the REAL diversity), we consequently also had UNIQUE WORLDVIEWS.

[There were, of course, differences and similarities]
Jan 7, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Abrahamists will never understand pagan them, having been made in God's image, humans are at the top of evolutionary scale and animals are a thing which He made for them to use as they see fit. Scientists will never understand pagan animism. To them, animals are just a thing that created by some unknown force; thus, humans being created evolutionarily "superior" to animals, they have the "right" to use animals as they see fit - poke, cut, maim and dissect them alive.
Jan 4, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
How can someone know what they are really made of if they never face any adversity?

This world of all-pervasive amenities softens us beyond recognition! We come to expect things to be convenient and easy - readily available... Image But as a species we are NOT beyond the laws of Nature.
We believe we are because we live in enclosures, protected by walls and cement, and, as long as we pay for them, all our basic needs are "provided" to us...there is no real sense of struggle; of a fight for one's survival. ImageImage
Dec 2, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
There's virtually not a single Christian site in Europe that was not originally a pagan one.

Let us take the Vatican and Rome, for example:

Beneath Vatican city, there is a Mithraeum.
Mithra, you know? That one pagan entity whose celebration date, etc., were taken over by... ...the worshippers of the "J" on the stick.

The Roman "Christian" catacombs were actually pagan ones which Christians desecrated, renamed, etc.
Thus, the same old modus operandi of terrorist tactics that's omnipresent in the history of Europe's "conversion" to the Desert Cult.
Nov 24, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
For those who say "white people are evil racists", some books about HISTORICAL FACTS that will completely shatter your ignorance as to this matter.

"Guns, Gold and Slaves: The Ashanti Gunmen" - the history powerful and rich Ashanti Empire (based black-on-black slave trade. "White Slavery in the Barbary States", by Charles Sumner, outlines the history of Moslems enslaving Europeans; between the 16th and 18th centuries, at least one million Europeans were sold into slavery by the nonwhites of North Africa ( - preference was given to women and girls).
Oct 26, 2020 22 tweets 10 min read
From time to time, I hear an acquaintance or even some say unfortunate family member something like this: “Well, Europe deserves what’s happening to it. We’ve oppressed and enslaved other peoples for too long and now it’s time to pay the price for what we’ve done”. ImageImage Well, this makes my blood BOIL, because it’s got to be one of the MOST IDIOTIC arguments I’ve ever heard in my life.

First of all, as a people, 'WE' have done nothing, you MORONIC RETARDS!
Sep 24, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
Currently, ”THEIR” “hidden” agenda is to reach a final stage of reengineering of civilization so that it can be shaped into the modes that fit “THEIR” objectives.

In order to do so, it is necessary to “breed” a new type of human being. ImageImage One that is not only removed from Nature, but from everything that NATURALLY makes them human and gives them a sense of identity and wholeness: family, kin, land, race, etc.

By achieving this goal, everyone will be dissolved into a we-are-all-one-and-the-same frame of existence. ImageImage
Sep 21, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Our "Gods" don't care whether or not we worship them like an Abrahamist does - bending their knees; prostrating themselves - because our Gods are in Nature; in its cycles, in its natural laws; in the Wind that blows in a winter morning and the hawk that flies above. Image The lessons we have to learn from our Gods (from Nature) are bestowed upon us by the Gods themselves.
That is, the rules of Nature are everywhere and are unescapable.
Learn them! Live by them!

Act honorably toward Nature/The Gods. Image
Sep 14, 2020 32 tweets 5 min read
"Of Wolves and Chihuahuas"

There was a beautiful forest where there lived a Proud and strong race of wolves. That forest had been their abode for thousands of years… But one day, there came to the forest a bunch of chihuahuas who wanted to live among them. “We have trinkets,” said the chihuahuas, “and we have shining gold… Why don’t you let us live here?”

Many of the wolves were quite distrustful of those small, scraggly-looking canines.
“These are no wolves” they protested. “Why let them live here?”
Sep 8, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
How impartial, within the law and legal practices were the Nuremberg Trials?

Well, I'll merely translate THE EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES of the Trials into a different configuration of people…that is, I'll simply change the names of the accusers and accused, and then you can answer... ...the questions I presented you with at the beginning of this thread.

Let us say you’ve been accused of a crime. You’ve been arrested because your neighbors stood before a judge and alleged that you had executed ten black people in your garden.
Sep 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
So everything in a woman's NATURAL BIOLOGICAL body SCREAMS out that IT WAS MADE FOR HAVING CHILDREN, and yet feminists DESPISE women who choose to be full-time mothers because feminists treat motherhood like it is something that's part of a résumé... Image Get a diploma - check
Have multiple sex partners to prove she's "awesome" - check
Have a child - check
Work all day, come home only at night and then say goodnight to her child - check
Tell everyone that she is awesome for working and "raising" a child at the same time - check Image
Aug 27, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
"Civilization and technology have made us advance like never before, man!"

Well, I think that the picture below comparing a Neanderthal skull to that of a modern man settles the matter.

Civilization + technology have domesticated us.
We have devolved from WOLVES to POODLES! Image Think about it...

What has happened to wolves after being interbred by us for thousands of years? Dogs.... And not satisfied enough, we started breeding dogs with smaller and weaker dogs so that we'd get even smaller breeds - these alien-looking things, like chihuahuas. Image
Aug 26, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
A clear sign of how brainwashed most people are:

When they watch videos in which the Painter from Austria said that The Juice had control over the banks, commerce, media, politics, and were part of an international clique...people go berserk.

"Liar! Manipulator!" they say. Image Well, have you checked these claims for yourself?
For example: have you looked at the statistics of the time in terms of what percentage of the German population was Jiu'ish and what percentage of them held high offices in government? Image
Aug 25, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
From the series "Get to know the Juice".
Today's topic: The Federal Reserve Bank

In November 1910, some representatives of the world’s richest “jiu’ish” men held a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia, in order to establish a central bank in America. Image Who were those men?
Representing the Rockefeller empire, Nelson Aldrich and Frank Vanderlip.

Aldrich was a prominent American politician and a leader of the Republican Party in the Senate, where he was one of the key Republicans who largely controlled the major decisions. Image
Aug 20, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
Nietzsche rejected Judeo-Christianity as something more suitable for the weak-minded and thought it to be absolutely foreign to the original European spirit.

Works such as "The Anti-Christ" leave no stone unturned and cast not even a shadow of a doubt that he thought so. Image One could argue that he was not pagan though…
But what does it mean to be pagan? Having a T-shirt with Thor’s hammer on it? Get on your knees and pray to Odin?