Chris Richards 🐬🖖🏻 eclecticradical Profile picture
Working class public intellectual. 47. One *consistent* MF-er! Host of @TheEclecticRad
Feb 28 6 tweets 1 min read
The question you need to ask is *why* are people so fixated on the debt?

It's not why you think it is.

To whom does the US government owe the money?

Remember that a public deficit is a private surplus. Who is collecting interest payments? 🤔 Money in America is created by a process known as "monetary seigniorage." The US provides banks (and, indirectly, the shareholders in those banks) with guaranteed securities (Treasury Bills or bonds) and the banks give the government money, which the government then prints.
Aug 14, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
"How does voting third party protect Palestinians?" is a reasonable question if someone understands our political system based on what the mainstream media says about our political system. So, for anyone asking in good faith, I will give a reasonable answer.

1/🧵 Voting third party is a first step towards being ready for more active civil disobedience. You're making a conscious choice to stop continuing to participate in and endorse the exploitation of the global renting and working classes by the landlord and the boss.

Aug 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
When David Brooks writes about “moral formation” in the Atlantic and on talks about it on tv, he’s making the same argument about education as the Christian school movement. Actually David Brooks, religion is also all about “I’m good and those people are evil.” That’s what anti-queer discrimination is about.
Jul 20, 2023 76 tweets 24 min read
I have been talking a lot about classicial education and Western culture lately because of my discovery of one the groups involved in attempting to rewrite our educational system in states like Flordia. This organization is "Classic Learning Test"

1/🧵 The Association of Classicial Christian Schools holds a conference every year, "Repairing the Ruins," dedicated to their project of replacing the public school system with a Christian school system.

Check it out.

Jun 16, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
So, at very best, members of DSA were totally taken in by a fake social democratic/socialist org in Ukraine, astroturfed by the National Endowment for Democracy, into expressing support for imperialist adventurism in Ukraine.

At worst, DSA members are collaborating again. The author of the referenced article writes, “the international Left now more than ever must organize solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance.”

Ukrainian resistance to whom, and why? What is the Ukrainian Social Movement's position on the DPR and LPR?