Shri Kanase Profile picture
Founder | Scaling eCommerce brands doing $40k+ per month past 6 and 7 figures with Google Ads. | Over 103+ brands scaled
Occupy Corporate BS Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 10, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
In the past 5 years, I’ve been able to scale eCommerce brands past $10m.

Mostly through Google ads.

Despite selling some of the most BORING products out there.

Here’s my strategy for selling just about anything on Google: Image It's important to understand that selling on Google ads is ENTIRELY dependent on:

> How well your ad stands out
> How good your foundation is
> What extra things your ad has
> How good the ad strategy is

Without a solid foundation, no ad strategy can scale a brand.
May 8, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
We recently began scaling this unique eCommerce brand with Google ads.

A brand that had struggled to reach profitability for MONTHS.

In just 23 days, we:

> Scaled to a 3.97x ROAS
> Added $18,351+ in total revenue from Google (63% increase)

Here's how we did it: Image This brand sells custom woven blankets despited for a specific niche.

Extremely directed & could even be classified as seasonal.

As a result, the founders struggled to scale.

No matter what ad platform they tried.

They came to my agency as a final resort & we began work.
Mar 27, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
My Google ads agency recently began working with an unique watch brand.

The brand had declining sales with Facebook ads and was barely scraping by.

Here's how we scaled the brand from $1.5k/day to $4k/day in 10 days: Context:

The brand is focused on selling "durable & affordable" watches.

A much different approach compared to luxury watches.

It's unique because the entire layout is geared towards someone who is involved in rugged activities.

The brand speaks directly to the ideal audience
Mar 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I recently came across an epic Google Shopping Ad for a brand that does $100k+/mo.

All from Google Ads.

Here's why Guava Family is so successful with Google.

And how you can replicate it for your DTC brand: Context:

Guava Family gets 100k+ visitors every single month.

Attributing $1 per visitor makes this a 6 figure per month brand.

It only sells 3 kinds of products:

> Bassinet
> Stroller
> Crib

Competitive niche yet this brand continues to crush it and be #1.

Dec 28, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Most eCommerce brands lose 43% of their revenue & profits while testing products with Google ads.

I test all products while maintaining profitability for brands I work with.

Here's my strategic approach to testing properly and adding profits with Google:

A thread >>> 🧵 Testing properly makes the difference between a profitable brand and an unprofitable one.

There's no reason to test products unprofitably when it comes to Google ads.

Most agencies make it seem that testing a product should come at the loss of something.

Not true.

Here's why.
Dec 26, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
The BEST eCommerce brands are those with a dialed in Google ads strategy.

One that infuses with other ad platforms to add $100k, $500k, or $1m per month in revenue.

Here are 3 major Google Ads strategies that have helped me scale eCommerce brands past $10m.

A thread >>> 🧵 1) TPS

The major strategy I implement for about 95% of eCom brands.

Testing > Profitability > Scaling

A strategy geared around phases rather than KPIs.

And it works.

Simply because the algorithm can provide a certain level of attention to each product based on where it is.
Dec 19, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
These past few months, we've been crossing $1.5m with Google ads alone for multiple eCommerce brands.

Here are 5 powerful tips when it comes to scaling an eCom brand with Google ads for 2023.

All backed by data.

A thread >>> 🧵 Image Tip #1: Outcast wins

Regardless of what campaign type you launch with Google, make sure it's almost like an outcast.

The most different image for shopping or the most creative ad copy for search ads.

Different beats everything with Google (except pricing).

Be unique.
Dec 17, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I've been working with an eCommerce brand since July that I scaled to $610,155 in revenue at a 12.13x ROAS.

Here's a case study on how my team and I made it happen:

Full Breakdown >>> 🧵 Context:

We began working with this brand on July 23 of this year.

The main struggle the brand was facing was a lack of revenue.

By this time last year, they had already done $2.3m but this year, they were barely crossing $1m.

They needed a change -- FAST.

So we got working.
Dec 16, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Scaling your eCommerce brand's revenue while improving profitability has less to do with ad campaigns and more to do with service.

In 2023 and onwards, it's a losing fight to just focus on the 'best' Google ads strategy.

Here are 5 frameworks to make your service the best:

🧵 1) Give options for better handling times

When it comes to receiving orders, some customers cannot cope even with small delays.

Giving a generic 3-day handling time message to customers is no good anymore.

Instead, offer faster options for a fee.

This will help add to AOV.
Nov 23, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Click fraud is very real with it comes to Google Ads for eCommerce brands.

At any given time, 7.39% of the clicks your eCom brand is getting are fake.

Here's exactly how to deal with them and scale more profitably.

THREAD >>> 🧵 What exactly is an invalid click?

These are clicks on your ads from sources which Google ads does not classify as 'legitimate'

These could be coming from:

>> Bots
>> Your competitors
>> Click farms (automated softwares)

And while Google doesn't charge for them, it's not ideal
Nov 21, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
99% of eCommerce brands get rid of products too early or too late with Google ads.

And this leads to tons of wasted potential and adspend.

Over the past 4 years, I've scaled brands to $10m+ due to an unique exclusion strategy.

Here's how.

// THREAD 🧵 \\ Excluding products is an art and differs based on each given situation.

I've worked with multiple different eCommerce brands and have always customized this approach.

The reality is, there are two different ways to go about exclusions

One is based on clicks

The other on cost
Nov 18, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
When it comes to Google Shopping ads, there are some niches that are just difficult to scale

While browsing, I came across @mrsharma's Carawayhome brand

A brand in an extremely competitive niche

Here's how I would run Shopping ads for a competitive brand like this

Thread 🧵 Context:

@CarawayHome sells items only in the kitchen niche.

Based on my experience, this niche is a bit difficult to master simply due to the nature of the competitors and other factors.

Based on product prices, the AOV seems to be above a $50 - $100 range, which is ideal.
Nov 16, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Recently, I began working with an eCommerce brand that had 64,863 SKUs.

Just too many to have within one Performance Max campaign.

Here's the exact new Google ads strategy we introduced to tackle these SKUs and get the ROAS above a 4x.

With $52,783.01 in revenue.

Thread 🧵 Image Background:

This is a high ticket eCommerce brand in the wedding jewelry niche.

A brand that used to average $4M in revenue per year.

Unfortunately, the brand began to struggle earlier this year & saw a decrease in overall revenue with Google.

This is when my agency came on.
Nov 7, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Most Google Ads agencies suck at getting eCommerce brands results.

There's only about 1% out there that "walk the walk and talk the talk"

And if you work with them, you end up scaling like this.

Here's what a good agency would do for your eCom brand.

🧵 Thread Keep in mind that every eCom store owner has a different ideology of what a 'good agency' is.

But universally speaking, a good agency:

- Communicates effectively
- Sets realistic goals
- Gets results
- Focuses on transparency
Nov 4, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
I've seen too many eCommerce brands that fluctuate severely when it comes to sales with Google Ads.

One day, they might do $13k in sales.

The very next day, only $545.

Here are 7 ways to fluctuate less and scale more consistently with Google ads: 1) Strategic Campaign Approach

Too many eCommerce brands running on campaigns that don't suit their foundation.

For consistency, you need to take a strategic approach.

This means separating products based on phases (testing, profitability, scaling).

With multiple campgn types
Nov 2, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
There's no better approach to scaling with Google ads than going broad.

But I talk to too many eCom store owners battling in the trenches.

And going after the narrow search terms for shopping & search ads.

Here's how I find BIG success for even SMALL niches with Google: Before we dive deep, understand a few things.

First, search demand is real. You cannot force 10k people to see your ads if only 5k monthly search your products.

Second, saturation is real.

If a product with 100k/mo searches is overpopulated, your sales will suffer.
Oct 14, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Retargeting is the easiest way to increase sales for your eCom brand with Google ads.

But it took me 3 years to figure out how to do it properly.

Here are three different ways I retarget with Google ads: Image 1) Google Shopping Retargeting

This is one of my favorite ways to retarget with Google.

Simply because this lets you integrate hot and cold traffic inside one campaign.

Not only does this lead to less management, but it also makes the campaign smarter.

Here's how it's done:
Oct 12, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Who said Google ads don't work for high ticket products?

--> Here's how we generated $166,886.27 for a high ticket eCom client last month.

9.78x ROAS on $10,078 of ad spend.

[CASE STUDY THREAD] Image This client sells expensive industrial items and has an AOV of $700 - $1,000.

Winning funnel structure:

Google ads traffic --> Custom landing page

Simple strategy that brings potential customers to the product pages only.

It converts like a charm.
Oct 5, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
I spend less than 30 minutes checking my eCommerce brands daily.

But generate close to $250,000 per month with them.

Here's how I build powerful teams and systems to make this happen.

A thread >>> 🧵 There's many systems and team members you can add to automate your brand.

Let's discuss the main ones.

A powerful system for eCom is one that:

- Takes care of everyday tasks (customer service, order fulfillment, etc.)
- Contains step by step procedures written
- Is replicable
Oct 3, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Most eCommerce store owners have just scratched the surface with apps.

But below the most commonly recommended Shopify apps, there's pure gold.

Here are 10 apps you need to have: Search and Discovery:


The perfect app to have because it customizes the entire storefront experience.

And shows your customers the right products even with funky searches.

Best part of all, an app like this has a direct impact on SEO.
Sep 14, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
I just audited an eCommerce brand that spent $30k last month to generate $41k in sales.

It's getting devastated by high ad spend and low profitability.

On the verge of bankruptcy.

Here's what they're doing wrong so YOU don't make the same mistakes.

🧵 THREAD Image Context:

This eCommerce brand sells products in the footwear niche.

As a result, their AOV is only $35.

They spend about $8 on fulfillment costs.

The reason the CEO booked a call with me is because they're doing $5k+ per day in sales.

Only to end up with 5% margins.