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I wish I was the monster you think I am.
Feb 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Im massively short $NRGV via ITM credit call spreads. Price action here is absurd for the following reasons: 👇 2/6 $NRGV is an ultra spec deSPAC projecting exponential growth - precisely what the market hates right now ImageImage
Jan 31, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5 Ive seen a few people talking about $MCMJ as a low float/gamma squeeze candidate… its not, sorry.

Reasons why:
(1) FPAs guarantee a minimum 4m share float;
(2) high post-redemption trading volume;
(3) valuation is horrible and will have no buying support. 2/5 Here are the $MCMJ forward purchase agreement (FPA) shares that are free to sell after merger:

> Dec 27: 1.4m shares with a $0.22 discount, sponsor repurchase @ 10.01

> Dec 27: 1.8m shares, sponsor repurchase @ 10.16

> Jan 10: 800k shares, sponsor repurchase @ 10.16
Jan 12, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
1/14 A thread on $CND/Circle and why this is now 75% of my portfolio... This is far and away the most overlooked SPAC on the market. Given the updated expectations on Fed rate hikes, the deal, struck back in Jul '21, is currently criminally undervalued. Read on... 2/14 Quick background on $CND: Circle is a USD-pegged stablecoin with $40B+ of collateralized assets in circulation that are used as the underlying casino chips of the crypto market and as an informal stable currency in developing countries.
Jan 3, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
1/12 Bear thread: $HLGN is a VC cashout that is likely going to $5.

$HLGN has been touted as low float bc the post-redemption trust is just 2.3m shares...

However, true float is 2000%+ higher! At least 45.8m shares unlocked on Fri and will prob start getting dumped this week 2/12 Are these shares already registered?

Yes. In the $HLGN S-4/A, a total of 202.5m shares were registered prior to merger. Tables from that filing show the former Heliogen equity holders, including their options and unvested restricted shares
Dec 15, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
$BSN/ $EVTL - merger vote successful, ticker change tomorrow 12/16. This is looking like the best squeeze candidate since $GWH, possible $IRNT-like run. Why? This is an optionable SPAC with a likely tiny between 1.8-2.8m shares. Heres where that float comes from: 👇 Sponsor $BSN stated "over $300m" proceeds to be delivered from the deal. Would assume theyd say $325 if that was the value, so can est total proceeds of $305-315m.…
Feb 22, 2021 33 tweets 7 min read
1/ DD on BlackSky - $SFTW $BSKY

Any thoughts from @JonahLupton, @saxena_puru, @PoundingDaTable, @AnthonyOhayon, @mukund, @Soumyazen, @GetBenchmarkCo, @skaushi, @InvestorWisdom, @Beth_Kindig? 2/ Thesis: BlackSky is a disruptive, vert integ biz model that removes the barriers-to-entry hist present in the util of sat imgry, which in the past has severely limitd util and applic in the priv sector.