Eli L-F Profile picture
Moving to @elilevensonfalk@mastodon.world and @elilevensonfalk.blsky.social
May 11, 2022 98 tweets 22 min read
They're here! Once again, my quantum mechanics students made QM memes for extra credit while studying for their exams. Prior threads are in the QT and here:

Without further ado, let the memes commence!
Sep 29, 2020 48 tweets 11 min read
The midterm exam for my QM class is tomorrow, and I told my students they could get a bit of extra credit for making memes. So, as a treat for you all, a thread: Image
Aug 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Man if people are mad about mathematicians using the same symbols to define different operations, wait until they see what we physicists are doing to the letter delta Actual footnote from my dissertation: Image
Jul 29, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
We discovered what was wrong with the grounding in the lab! Strap in #newPI friends, for a cautionary tale. 1/6 Having a clean electrical ground is really important for everyone who does sensitive measurements. Electronics can interfere with each other through the ground, causing spurious signals. So we like to have grounds that are completely isolated from the rest of the building. 2/6
Jun 19, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
On moderation in politics, a short thread: let's say there's a house on fire. The fire is manageable at the moment, but it's spreading rapidly. 3 people are trying to decide what to do about the fire. Person A recommends dousing it with as much water as possible
Person B starts poring gasoline on the fire
Person C says the fire is a problem, but hooking up the water hose is hard, so instead recommends spitting on the fire

Person C is not a moderate! They're a radical!
Feb 7, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Oh hey @IBJIYONGI fancy seeing you in LA Image We're 10 minutes into this talk and axions haven't been mentioned once. I demand a refund.
Feb 2, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Tom Brady is made of 99.9% pure football, but unfortunately the .1% has shitty politics. So to make up for rooting for him, I'm giving love to the defense: $10 for every Patriots sack, forced fumble, interception, and 4th down stop, donated to The @TrevorProject. #AGoodGame A lot of near-misses, but none of the stats I called out have happened yet. However, I think a scoreless quarter is worth $20
Oct 29, 2018 12 tweets 1 min read
I finally saw Crazy Rich Asians on a date night with the wife, and I have thoughts, so strap in for a thread. 1) I get you're trying to hide your family bc you like being one of the proles, Nick, but at least give your girlfriend a heads up as to dress code! There's no way it slipped his mind to say "Oh BTW it's cocktail attire" so she didn't turn up looking like a fool in a day dress.