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CEO @vigilantnews. Journalist @gatewaypundit. Founder @slightlyoffens. Host @censoreddottv Checkout my shows & network links below
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Feb 10 5 tweets 2 min read
SOUTH AFRICA: There is a massive disinformation campaign going on in South Africa to downplay the violence against whites

Here's who's behind it and how it works

(A Thread)Image The communist party will have someone with light skin claim that there isn't any targeting of the Boers / Afrikaners

The profile picture is legit / verified and the person claims they aren't being targeted

But further evidence shows the person is just masquerading as white Image
Dec 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I see countless videos of white men on tiktok advising other young men not to even try to get into tech / coding

That they simply will not find a job & the companies just aren’t hiring like they used to

So what’s really going on here? Are Indians only hiring Indians? I thought the market was over saturated

But Elon is saying we need to bring in many more Indians

So is it that our people from American schools aren’t qualified? Can’t be the case

Are there not enough Western applicants from other Europeans nations? Must we pool India?
Apr 22, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Have you guys heard this silly new term “the woke right” right wing libs are pushing?

It’s being used more often by the pseudo intellectual types

They are losing relevance & since shouting down at the fundamental side of the RW didn’t work

They’re calling them woke now lol Sensible right vs woke right is the funniest characterization of what’s happening

Basically there is a side of the right that sees how centrism and neo liberalism failed The West

They want a return to the values & customs that made us cohesive and strong

That’s “woke” now😂
Jan 31, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: MKUltra experiment gone wrong?

During an election year, Justin Mohn, of PA beheaded his father

& released a video on YouTube (still up) calling to mobilize militias to attack federal courthouses & for American patriots to assassinate federal employees

GRAPHIC VIDEO I apologize for the graphic reality of the video

as I had marked the video as sensitive and put a warning, which apparently did not display - I do not like to share videos like this - but it seems so suspicious YouTube won't take it down
Jan 28, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Australian Governor MAKES promoting white identity ILLEGAL

Threatens police FORCE for anyone who publicly disagrees w/ multiculturalism

Also increased budget to secure synagogues by $15 million

& increased Holöcaust museum funding by $5 million

The Australian Jewish News recently released a stunning review of the Premier

& his dedication to serving both the Jewish community in Australia & being a staunch supporter of Israel

Chris Minns has thrown out Western value of free expression to strengthen this bond
Dec 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Kim Jong Un visited Space Mountain at Disneyland yesterday

This is how the communist Koreans living in California greeted him

First Xi in San Fran, now this in SoCal

RIP CA Disney CEO Bob Iger invited the North Korean dictator to a special event at the popular attraction

Corporate America is becoming too friendly with these commies Image
Nov 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
You know what’s crazy?

You can share any mainstream media commentator calling for genocide

Celebrate a refugee camp being bombed

Ask for foreign citizenship (compromise American allegiance)

But if you share a NF video you can get fired


It’s been hyperbolic you can promote an entire nation of 2 million people be wiped from earth

Laugh at people hiding razor blades in posters on public lamp posts

Celebrate hospitals being bombed

But if you even say N I C K


that’s where they draw the line 😂
Jun 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Regularly getting 900+ live viewers on Rumble per episode without any deals, promotion, or agreements

One of the few streamers w/ organic numbers that get to the 1K mark, especially with only 33K subs that's pretty impressive

Never get featured on live trending though :/ There are so many lives with 50-250 live viewers and then creators with paid deals

Difficult to grow when you can't get promoted unless you have a paid contract or an "in"

But I still believe in the platform 100% and will keep pouring into growing my page there as it develops
May 8, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
PROOF: the MSM built their Allen TX "WHITE SUPREMACY" narrative from Urban Dictionary

This idea the shooter, Mauricio Garcia, was a white supremacist came from a patch on his jacket that said RWDS

Which WaPo says means Right Wing Death Squad, taken from an obscure UD definition Image WaPo was SO LAZY & eager to push the WHITE SUPREMACIST narrative from UD

They crafted their story from points from UD to try to frame the HISPANIC shooter as a Nazi

But I caught them

They read that RWDS is related to the "honkening" so they made him a "honker"

So weird ImageImage
Apr 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s official. I’m LEAVING the Democrat party

I SUPPORTED adults removing their genitals. But then they went for the kids

I SUPPORTED abortion. But then they wanted to abort at 9 months

I was for taxes. But $100 billion to Ukraine was too far

I am the new right. FOLLOW ME Drag shows are awesome but not for kids! Men dressing in women’s clothes is great for our nation but not for a kids!

With all this said I will do my best to represent the right wing well

I will stamp out anti semitism

Fight racism

& support women leadership

Apr 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Well it looks like AI is getting more extreme 🧵 Image Image
Apr 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The cost of addictions is so much higher than one might like to admit

It’s not just the $$$ cost of the product

But the mental work thinking about obtaining the product

The internal shame

The denial, depression, anxiety of being honest about how bad it’s gotten

Crazy That’s why I think help is hard to accept

The source of the problem is often way beyond the thing a person is using to cope

Doesn’t matter if it’s shopping, sex, or alcohol

Something is missing. Active Addiction is blinding the cause
Apr 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A lot of conservatives smoke weed but deny it when asked publicly - say it should be illegal

I’ve smoked a lot of pot in my life - mostly in my teen years but a bit off and on as an adult

Never understood why people are so afraid to admit they smoke? “I didn’t inhale” crowd I personally don’t think weed is helpful to my productivity or helpful to my goals of personal growth, so that’s why I don’t smoke at this time

Plus it’s illegal where I’m at and I’m not going to break the laws here

But I find edibles to be less harmful to life than drinking
Mar 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I don’t think it’s mostly because of racism - but rather lack of impulse control

On my show we we’ve showed many altercations w/ a white person instigating

Most of the times my friends or I were jumped IRL, it was from black people, but not always the case, just majority But I do think people jumping to conclusions about the motive being racism or hatred isn’t helpful

Kind of just depends on the context of the clip. But I do think black people are given a pass on fighting if they were called the N word which adds to negative stereotypes
Feb 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
All European and Euro-centric nations should learn from Israel

Defend your borders at all costs

Conquer your enemies & disregard global opinion of your methods. Play to win

Infiltrate strategic governments & use their military to fight your proxy wars

Israel is a model nation People that hate Israel don't realize how incredibly successful they are at doing exactly what we want to see in our nations

Hyper nationalism and dedication to heritage fuels an almost religious devotion to the motherland

I respect the hell out of it & wish we did the same
Feb 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m switching my public position on black/white race relations

No more just sharing videos of black on white crime w/out context

It’s a serious L for white people & L for black people

I’m done posting our L’s - will post videos as I go, but w/ more constructive commentary It’s a real problem people ignore and intentionally suppress

But my current approach isn’t helping either

I’ve been reflecting and I need to provide better discussion to try to wake people up and help resolve the issues

Simply pointing to a dead body does not solve crime
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
People don’t realize how tough it is to be at the level Tim is at

Easy to dehumanize him because he’s just a “screen person”

You have an endless supply of haters & no matter what you do, someone will always be upset & trying to use you for clout. Few can handle that pressure Being rich has its challenges
Being in the spotlight has its challenges
Being a business owner has its challenges

The dudes balancing all 3

Everyone likes to be critical of Tim but he’s managing his own mini media empire

I can barely manage my show ha

People need to chill
Feb 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m not a life coach & not selling a course

But the simple adjustments I’ve made in life

Have resulted in a more stable mindset

Low anxiety


Higher libido

Better communication with my wife

Joy & laughter

& best of all, a more consistent spiritual life By no means will I ever achieve perfection

& I can grow much more in all these areas + many more

But the adjustments have made most of my days great

& the ones that are not, easier to get through

I will always fall short, but now I get back up a lot quicker
Feb 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Hoe-Flation is Real & I'm deep into my research (THREAD)
Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Quitting alcohol changed my life in ways I didn’t expect

1. Anxiety levels decreased 90%

2. Wake up w/ energy

3. No longer spend time w/ toxic people

4. Marriage improved, no hangovers = more quality time

5. Able to pray & obey the Bible consistently

6. No regrets now I don’t think everyone needs to quit Drinking

I didn’t set out to stop drinking forever

I just needed to change my life and give my heart fully to God

Learn discipline and mature in a lot of ways

So part of the journey I cut alcohol & it’s helped me stay consistent
Jan 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read