Elisa Stone Leahy MALLORY IN FULL COLOR Profile picture
Peruvian-American author (she/her) author of Tethered to Other Stars, Mallory in Full Color (rep: Brent Taylor) https://t.co/gEod60B4i8
Jan 12, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Storytime: For years there was a family of kids who would walk to my library. We knew things were rough at home and we tried to create a safe, validating, fun place for them (like so many others.) There were about 8 cousins, siblings, half-sibs, ages 5 to 16. Then lockdown hit. I thought about them a lot while we were closed, worrying, hoping someone was taking care of them. After we re-opened, they didn’t come back. I heard they’d moved. Maybe out of state. Now and then we’d all speculate on how those kiddos were. And then! Today! Guess who walked in??
Aug 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
A teen who hadn’t been in for years was in the library today. Neither of us recognized each other. Then she squinted and asked if she could see me without the mask. When I took it off she gasped, threw her arms around me and said “I used to come here FOR YOU!” excuse me while😭 I absolutely love hearing everyone’s stories of librarians who have mattered in their lives. Some days, it’s hard. When we close the doors we have to watch kids go home to people who don’t see or accept them for who they are. We see folks without shelter leave a warm, dry place.
Apr 13, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
Apparently my kid got in trouble today for PACKING OUR TOASTER IN HIS BACKPACK and pulling it out at lunch to make pop tarts for his class. I can’t stop laughing. Ok, I hear that the teacher actually only told him not to “make a habit of it.” 😂 So I wonder how many times makes a habit? I also wonder if I should hide the popcorn popper…