Elliott Kalan Profile picture
Writer/Podcaster. Looms large in the American imagination. Go do something today to help someone.
Jul 21, 2020 44 tweets 6 min read
1/ AS THREATENED LAST NIGHT: This long thread will be me spinning out some thoughts about what’s going on with our two party system right now. 2/THREE CAVEATS: Caveat 1: I made a resolution this year not to try predicting the future. Predicting the future is foolish because it is almost entirely impossible. So please take all I’m saying with a grain of salt labeled: “The future is unknowable.”
Jul 4, 2018 13 tweets 2 min read
1: For anyone having trouble celebrating today in view of the halting, confusing, depressing state of progress in our country — keep in mind there’s a reason this is not called “America Day” but “Independence Day”. 2: Today we do not celebrate America as it exists now, nor as it’s ever existed. We celebrate the Declaration of Independence and those ideals it declared to the world and the future.
Jun 19, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ This thread will sway nobody who doesn't already agree with me (which most of my followers already do) but I feel the need to say it anyway: @POTUS's policies are not just cruel in the present. They deny us the American patriots of the future. 2/ My great-grandfather came to this country as a child. He spoke no english and didn't practice the dominant religion. From him sprang four generations of proud Americans, including a WW II veteran, a teacher, a doctor, a civic architect, and a 4-time Emmy winner (that was me).
Jun 12, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
The problem with @POTUS trying to make a historic moment is that next week he’ll do some other crazy thing and we’ll all forget this summit even happened, just like every other moment of his presidency. By trying to have a conventional “iconic historic moment”, President Trump is playing a game he’s already done so much work to dismantle. He’s not being true to himself by reaching fit something larger than “today’s exciting episode of The President Trump Show”.