Elon Musk (Parody) Profile picture
I’m on a quest to bang AOC on Mars. (Parody Account)
4 subscribers
Jan 8 4 tweets 1 min read
This girl is not real, she is AI.

Are our future generations screwed?

Feb 22, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
How to Create More Luck:

I believe that much of what we call "luck" is the macro result of 1,000s of micro actions.

Your habits put you in a position where luck is more likely to strike.

If you want to create more luck, start by increasing your luck surface area. Look below ⬇️ 1 -- Be the Dumbest in the Room

If you have a choice between entering two rooms, choose the room where you are more likely to be the dumbest one in the room.

Once you are in the room, talk less and listen more. Bad for ego, great for luck.

Good things tend to happen here.