Emma Pettit Profile picture
Senior reporter @chronicle who covers people and politics. Send me tips! emma.pettit@chronicle.com. DM for Signal. Snail mail to 1255 23rd St. NW, D.C., 20037
Dec 21, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
NEW: I’ve been asking Harvard about its investigation into alleged plagiarism by President Gay, and tonight, they provided some new information to @chronicle. I’ll thread it here. Bear with me...
chronicle.com/article/how-ba… @chronicle First, Harvard says the U and Gay learned of the allegations when contacted by the New York Post, in October.

Five days later, President Gay asked the Harvard Corporation to "conduct an independent review of the articles referenced" in the Post’s outreach. Image
Jul 7, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Celebrating five years @chronicle by writing about…puppets!

It’s more relevant that you think, trust me.

Here’s the gist...
chronicle.com/article/fuzz-c… Turns out you can major in puppetry at West Virginia University and (pretty much) nowhere else.

Students in the program told me they love pursuing their niche craft in college. They're learning skills, they say, and it gives them a sense of community.
Apr 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm very interested in how colleges will respond to these 'divisive concept' bills becoming law.

If you are too, here's one example. The University of Florida just sent a presentation to faculty on the newly signed Stop Woke Act... First there’s a short intro by Kent Fuchs, the president. He says the presentation makes clear “you may continue to address important academic issues in your classes” and thanks profs for their “important role” as “objective" educators and teachers.
Sep 21, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵There’s been *a lot* of chatter about College for All/budget reconciliation. Specifically about the possibility of requiring 75% of instruction at public colleges be provided by tenure-track and tenured faculty.

What’s going on? Let’s dive in… That language is included in the CFA bill, introduced earlier this year. The bill would also require public colleges to prioritize hiring existing adjuncts and contingent faculty for TT roles.

As of right now, that bill’s not going anywhere.
Apr 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
More stunning reporting from @kennyjacoby on the LSU sexual harassment scandal.

An LSU administrator told Jacoby that she was tormented by several athletics officials after she reported Les Miles’ behavior. She says she suffered retaliation that continues to this day. @kennyjacoby "Miles repeatedly pressured Lewis to replace Black student workers on her recruiting staff with blond women or light-skinned Black women whom he considered prettier, Lewis said. When she refused, she said, he directed others to get Lewis to comply with his demands."