Emma Louise Backe Profile picture
PhD candidate Medical Anthropology @GW_Anthro former @Vassar witch / Assistant Editor @AnthQuarterly /managing editor @GeekAnthro / GBV activist
Aug 2, 2024 15 tweets 7 min read
White, Western ideas of womanhood are inherently colonial. What do we mean by this? A thread on how gender and race were co-constructed to further imperial conceptualizations of the human. Image As part of the colonial project, occupying powers like the British imported archetypes of what a man or a woman was. These were reinforced by ideologies of religion (Christian domesticity) and biology (that gender roles were somehow inherent and “natural”).
Aug 16, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
I am loathe to watch the #DeppVHeard documentary on Netflix but as a researcher and practitioner on intimate partner violence, especially in criminal Justice and the law, how IPV is represented in media is so crucial in shaping survivor justice. First few minutes and it’s clear that they are far more interested in the sensationalism of the trial. Focusing on Depp fans and YouTuber coverage. So clear decision NOT TO FRAME around the ethics of engaging with IPV, how to sensitively represent survivors. 🚩🚩🚩
Jul 14, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
So excited to see the spotlight on Dr Khiara Bridges and her anthropological work on reproduction, how reproductive justice must always be intersectional. Here is a thread of other ethnographies on reproduction, race & gender I would recommend 🧵 Coercive reproductive policies have historically been used as a tool of imperial power to forcibly sterilize communities of color, often in the name of “public health sanitation.”