astrology, magic, markets and speculating wildly on stars and the state of things.
Jan 11, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
the 36 decans were (are) an ancient timekeeping system used to determine the appropriate times to worship and commune with the deities that ruled them, deities that were believed to live among the stars and communicate their will thru them
communal festivals + rituals would be held to honor these divinities as well as private prayer + petitions to make contact ✨
the 28 lunar mansions each represent about a days worth of the moon’s travel and were used by ancient islamicate astrologers to predict the most auspicious + inauspicious times for almost every life activity you could imagine.
these lunar forecasts were posted every day for the public to see. the moons movements, condition and messages were common knowledge for everyone 🌙