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Map Your Wealth Path | Leverage Multiple $ Flows: Startups/VC/BD/PE/HF | Fmr. #1 Fund Manager
Nov 14, 2022 79 tweets 13 min read
FTX-ed by SBF? WTF! How to Read Bear Market Signposts

FTX is like Enron*Lehman*Madoff

1. How can we spot these ahead of time?

2. Why do they keep happening?

3. Where do we go from here?

*The best careers and investments are made entering at the lows.* 1. Could we see it coming? Did we? Being early vs late…

I saw Enron 4 years early, and two analysts who also saw the fraud put sell ratings on the company in 1996, and lost their jobs and left finance by the time Enron went bankrupt in 2001.
May 10, 2022 80 tweets 13 min read
Crazy Stock Markets! Are We There Yet? Should I Buy?

Since Nov 2021, the Nasdaq lost over US$ 4 trillion in market cap

$4T is more than the net worth of the top 10 billionaires in the world

What we've seen
What we know
What we don't
Where we go from here
👇 What we’ve seen in past market cycles

​In past market cycles we see:

1. A blowoff of the most speculative assets, followed by

2. A changing of leadership to something different

3. And finally, an overcorrection of those past leaders
May 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

In college, I FAILED to set myself up for success.

- no internships
- no student clubs
- no networking with alumni.

10 years later I was running the #1 fund in the world.

Here’s how I built my foundation: Health:

Fit in what you need (sleep and movement) and eliminate what you don’t (sugar).

I ran 3+ miles 6x per week. That was my base.

You don’t have to do what I did, but start somewhere.
Pick a day and run for 30 minutes.
May 8, 2022 15 tweets 2 min read
I have worked with 4 billionaires so far.

They invest, think and act differently than normal people.

Here’s what I have learned from them and how it can increase your shot at making it big: A 🧵 [1] Think big

All the billionaires think big.

Ex: Elon Musk – Why not go to Mars?

George Soros – Why not take on the Bank of England?

Richard Branson – Why not build an airline from music expertise?
Feb 5, 2022 11 tweets 14 min read
Twitter can be a powerful tool if used correctly.

The best people here deliver valuable knowledge. Not just opinions or stock tips.

9 amazing accounts you must follow to gain business and investing wisdom ✨

Thread 🧵 1. @BrianFeroldi

📘Topic: Financial Wellness, money, investing, and self-improvement.

🧵 Must read thread:

This one about top 20 stocks with 50x potential👇

Feb 4, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I am often asked how I managed a fund that went up 634% in the first 12 months.

Here’s how I did it: The answers are simple but not easy:

- Luck
- Intuition
- Compounding
- Long stressful hours

Let’s break it down:
Oct 6, 2021 27 tweets 5 min read
I’ve worked for 4 billionaires (1 felon, 2 fund managers, and crypto pioneer)

They think, invest, and act differently. How? Big. Billionaire Big.

Elon Musk thinks big. Why not go to Mars?

Could we, should we be like Billionaires?

Let's dive into being Billionaire Big 👇 George Soros invests big. Why not take on the Bank of England?

Richard Branson acts big. Why not build an airline from music expertise?

These Billionaires aren’t you and me. Or are they?

They embodied “Billionaire Big” before they became rich.

You need to really know them!
Sep 14, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
"What Do You Do?"

This simple question put me in the middle of a battle with Barron's Magazine.

“What do you do?”

What if answering it get's you in hot water?

My fund was #1 in the world, and I was hiding.

Here's the story 👇 From 1996 to 1998, I was running a technology fund inside an insurance company.

The IPO of Mosaic in 1996 started the internet craze of the late 1990s, where taxi drivers were tech investors.
Aug 26, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Worried you or your college student missed the Wall Street onramp?

Billionaire kingmaker Divesh Makan, the founder of IconIQ Capital, missed the investment banking route.

Now he manages over $62,000,000,000 for Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Hanks.

Here's his story 👇 Makan shows there’s more than one path.

He missed the investment banking route. So, he joined Goldman Sachs as a wealth manager.

In entry-level wealth management roles, you cold call for new clients.

Makan took a different tact.
Jul 10, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
In 1990, my mother, an Oscar-nominated screenwriter, called me a bad writer.

Bad writing robs you of the attention you deserve.

Want to supercharge your writing?

7 lessons from @ShaanVP's Power Writing Course 👇
(Stellar visuals by @OzolinsJanis) Heat up your cold emails

•Goal: Get to 1st "Yes". Go from cold to warm
•Subject Line: Attention + Personal
•Body: Benefits, Credibility
•End: CTA: Give

Giver line: "3 things I would improve in your landing page..."
Jul 10, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
10 ways to stop apologizing (in pictures)

Visual thread inspired by @aaraalto

Stop apologizing! Instead: 👇

1. Pause and listen 2. Sit in your discomfort
Jul 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Better more viral online writing is free advertising

Having an audience gives you more choice

More views build trust faster Top online writing tips:

🎯 Practice makes perfect – publish every day!

🎯 80% only read the headline – spend 50% of your time here

🎯 Cut, cut, cut – get to the point fast. Audience attention is earned.

🎯 Clear not Clever – let your audience know what you are writing about
Jul 9, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
June 2000, I profited from the greatest semiconductor short of all time while being mocked by my partners.

Me: " I bet my career this morning."
My friend: "That's nice."

My boss listened and made the trade.
Most thought I was crazy.

First the story, then how I did it...👇 2/

I was hired as the technology analyst at Palantir Capital in November 1999

My boss: I hired you to call the semi cycle. The analyst I just fired got it wrong.

Me (happy I knew what he wanted): OK
Jul 8, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
One thing great online courses have in common:

They DON'T know who their audience is

@AliAbdaal told @Bazzaruto only 2% of the people who show up are the persona he designed it for

I love @jackbutcher's BOST and @aaraalto's Sketch

But they are "not for me"...

MVP to V2...👇 I was NOT the "right" client for BOST.

@jackbutcher is clear that the course is for people at a certain stage

•I was not at this stage. Still, I knew BOST was right for me

•BOST gave me hope I could chart my own course

That's business, what about pictures?
Jul 8, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Use these 6 tips to be the great listener everyone notices.

You don't need years of reflection and therapy

Changing is simple... but not easy

Illustrated by the amazing @ash_lmb Image Tip 1: Stop talking

•W.A.I.T. Ask yourself: Why Am I Talking?

•Improving your listening is simple.

•You must be silent to listen. Image
Jun 18, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
After working with four different Billionaires, it's clear they have one thing in common:

Great listening skills

Each has a particular listening strength:
🎯 Silence
🎯 Rephrase
🎯 Follow-ups
🎯 Open-ended

Here's how to listen like a billionaire. 👇 Crypto Billionaire listening skill:


In meetings, Crypto Billionaire spoke last. He listened with a quiet, beginner mind, drinking from a firehose of information.

🎯 Pay attention
🎯 Stay present
🎯 Talk last

Pause 15-30 seconds after people finish speaking
Feb 28, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Cholesterol Truth & Lies

There are so many myths, truths and lies.

I am on Keto, so I eat a lot of fat, and often am asked if that is bad for my cholesterol.

Others ask if cholesterol is even tied to heart disease.

Eat Fat vs Make Fat: Our Livers Make Cholesterol

🎯 Cholesterol: needed for critical processes including healthy cell linings throughout our body.

🎯 We make our own cholesterol via Lipogenesis.

🎯 When insulin-resistant, our livers produce LDL, the small “bad” cholesterol
Feb 15, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Want to build a great community?

Reflections from @ginab of @MightyNetworks mini-course today

1. Build a community around something interesting or important to members

2. Deliver specific transformation over time

3. Only need 30 members to start

🧵 Image Social media we are fighting for attention, fighting the algo, not conducive to delivering transformations

Value of the community goes up because of the connections built while experiencing and pushing for similar transformations

How to get results and transformations?