Pandem(on)ical Order of Good Cheer Profile picture
Lapsed novelist on the fall of empires; the collapse of human being in a more-than-human world. Hunger's Brides: A Novel of the Baroque, Random House of Canada
2 subscribers
Aug 25 7 tweets 2 min read
'The war in UKR is creating a new middle class.... Soaring incomes, plenty of jobs for anyone that wants them & huge amounts of government investment into some of Russia’s poorest regions where most of the defence industry has its factories...' 1/… 'Russia's labour market is experiencing what analysts describe as an unusual trend: living standards are rising across all social groups....the war has been good for Russia and sanctions and a showdown with the US have made it stronger. ' 2/
Jun 12 6 tweets 2 min read
' one of the world’s leading medical journals, the British Medical Journal, is titled “Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022”' 1/… British Medical Journal:
'Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022'

Apr 23 13 tweets 2 min read
'Will the American Oligarchy Accept Limits or Choose World War Three? ' 1/ 🧵👀👇… '...US ruling class ideology. Whose values? The dominant value at play there is a belief that as Western capitalists they have a right & a duty to exploit & profit off of every corner of the globe. ' 2/
Apr 14 12 tweets 2 min read
'Why...are Western governments going around begging for shells to send Ukraine rather than accepting the L? The desperation seems to stem from the creeping realization that their system is coming undone. ' 1/… 'The entire post-WWII elite US mindset is built on the foundation of worldwide profit expansion via silicon & fire, & if they throw everything at Russia & lose, well a whole new domino theory could come into play – one where parasitic Western finance capital is driven back ' 2/
Apr 7 6 tweets 1 min read
'The Looming Ukraine Debacle
There is indeed a serious risk that, rather than the West teaching Russia a lesson and putting Putin in his place, the opposite may occur.' 1/… 'As the slow success of Russia’s Plan B becomes more apparent, the failure of the West’s own Plan A to deal w/ RUS is now clarified. This plan consisted of sanctions... diplomacy to isolate...&...NATO weapons & know-how to inflict serious damage on Russia on the battlefield. ' 2/
Mar 19 20 tweets 3 min read
Lt. Col (ret.) NATO modelling & simulations officer, builds on earlier classic The Return of Industrial Warfare

Reads like a post-mortem of what RF has done right, & NATO has done wrong...
1/… "The front lines've hardly moved! Isn't that a stalemate, daddy?"
'If the West is serious about the possibility of a great power conflict, it needs to take a hard look at its capacity to wage a protracted war & to pursue a strategy focused on attrition rather than manoeuvre. ' 2/
Mar 13 9 tweets 2 min read
'European leaders are caught in a “fight or flight” response, deciding whether they should run and hide or send troops into Ukraine to fight the Menace from the East. '
1/… 'puzzled many how the EU has been managing its economy since the beginning of the Ukraine war. There have been two distinct shocks inflicted upon the Eurozone economy since then. The third shock, which may be the worst, is on the way. ' 2/
Mar 9 6 tweets 1 min read
'the West has set itself on a path of collective suicide. Moral suicide in Gaza; diplomatic suicide – the foundations laid in Europe, the Middle East & across Eurasia; economic suicide – the $$-based global financial system...Europe deindustrializing.' 1/… 'Deep down, they are scared, fearful & agitated. Biden et al in Washington, Macron, Schulz, Sunak, Stoltenberg, von der Leyen. They lack...the courage to face reality squarely....Hence, we observe an array of reactions that are feckless, grotesque and dangerous. ' 2/
Feb 26 6 tweets 1 min read
profit trumps capability:

'....why many companies across the US DIB lack advanced manufacturing capabilities, claiming:

....they struggle to develop business cases for needed capital investment. ' 1/ ' In other words, while adopting advanced manufacturing technologies would fulfill the purpose of the US Department of Defense, it is not profitable for private industry to do so.' 2/
Feb 23 4 tweets 1 min read
Today's neo-colonialism: from genocide to necrocide--
'‘The most accomplished form of necropower is the contemporary colonial occupation of Palestine’. It is the power to dictate the terms of life and death, & ultimately who lives and who dies.' 1/… 'Repeatedly framing Palestinian violence as a provocation & Israeli violence as a response is a product of ignorance to the necropower exercised by the Israeli state. Necropower & necropolitics are enabled in places that Achille Mbembé termed ‘death-worlds' 2/
Feb 15 13 tweets 2 min read
AFAIK, "Tyler Durden" is a name for the collective authorship at ZeroHedge. Here, adding real value to analysis of TC/Putin interview:

🧵1/… 'In order to avoid that bigger war only the oligarch class wants, we, as people, have to accept some responsibility for it getting to this point. Without that there can be no basis for a negotiated settlement.' 2/
Jan 18 8 tweets 2 min read
Every. word.🧵
The Wrong Stuff
Don't even think about rebuilding western militaries.
1/… 'So deluded and out of touch are western political leaderships and their sycophants these days, that politicians and pundits are still talking about rebuilding western military forces, and doing something, not quite sure what, with them after that. ' 2/
Jan 12 5 tweets 1 min read
'fortunately for the West, it was saved by a Russian mastery of war....The truth is, Russia has done the West a great favor by defeating Ukraine. Defeat in UKR is a way for the West to extricate itself from what could have been...a terrifying outcome' 1/

'there emerges a feeling of UKR, as they become aware of the betrayal by their leadership & government. Europe also feels the growing awareness that the US orchestrated this as to reduce European partners, and transform them into Vassals ' 2/
Jan 9 7 tweets 1 min read
Col. (ret.) Swiss Military Intel, w/ NATO in Donbass 2014:

The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat 🧵1/ The 'perception of a permanent & inescapable war led the Soviets to study war in a quasi-scientific way, and to structure this thinking into an architecture of military thought that has no equal in the Western world. ' ' 2/
Dec 19, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
As Russia Signals It Can Achieve Maximalist Aims in Ukraine, How Would Russia Manage Kiev and Western Ukraine? 1/… 'the West simply cannot...compete w/ Russia in arms production, even before getting to the superiority of Russian systems in most categories. Despite recognition of that sorry fact in some quarters, the West is not making serious efforts to rearm or increase manning levels. ' 2/
Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Western Policymakers Are Panicking Because There Was No Plan B if The Counteroffensive Failed

'It’s remarkable to see how the US, which was home to leading thinkers in game theory and decision theory, has become so abjectly bad at both. ' 1/… 'The US and & actually got what it wanted, a Russia attack on Donbass, and better yet, and underpowered one....The Western coalition bet mainly on its shock & awe sanctions, & that...would soon bring chaos to Russia, leading to Putin’s ouster &... even a breakup of Russia' 2/
Dec 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
'The first problem is that industrial warfare is fundamentally different than guerilla warfare. It means that the US doesn’t have overwhelming industrial strength. US troops and mercenaries that have served in Ukraine didn’t do so well. ' 1/… 'They aren’t used to fighting in an environment w/o total US air & artillery supremacy. That’s a huge shock. One fear is what the US will do if....they take losses of carriers & the like. The main risk... is that it would go nuclear after the US ruling class panics. ' 2/
Dec 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
USSR went from agrarian society to STEM juggernaut in 30 years.

West's "low-tech Russia" trope today is bizarre...

Mathematical olympiad:
Image Computer science / informatics olympiad:

2/ Image
Dec 7, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
'NATO officers fully convinced of the magical invincibility of their tech, but...also seem to have forgotten that the enemy can shoot back. According to UKR officers, NATO’s generals simply did not take the actions of RUS forces into account at all' 1/… 'It seems that NATO has not only convinced themselves that they are unbeatable, but also swallowed the shoddily rebranded Nazi propaganda of Russian subhumanity hook, line and sinker. NATO’s top officers could not even conceive of the idea that Russian forces would fight back' 2/
Dec 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Europe doesn't have a Russia problem
(Russia: "just stay away from us.")

Rather: Ex-MI6, UK diplomat:

'Russia now has a ‘Europe problem’ of lingering, unrealistic ‘geo-political’ ambition'
1/… 'the general hastened from St Petersburg to warn the Tsar of approaching catastrophe. However, on arrival at the Court, Wrangel was shocked to see that 80% of the Romanov women, most of whom he knew, were wearing a red ribbon. ' 2/
Nov 30, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Geopolitics Update [i]
Ukraine, Argentina, and the Middle East

'Russia’s combat effectiveness is currently the highest in the world. I am not saying that Russia has the strongest army in the world. Maybe America still does, maybe not. ' 1/… 'Maybe Russia has surpassed America. What I want to say is that Russia has without a doubt the most experienced functioning and well-lubricated military war machine in the world. ' 2/